Many years ago on this very date I was extremely pregnant and - TopicsExpress


Many years ago on this very date I was extremely pregnant and wanted to give birth very much so. My husband left for work and I carried on with my day. I took my oldest daughter to school came back and began to have mild contractions. I turn the TV on to see the horrific acts of terrorism. I couldnt believe what I was seeing the United states was being attacked. I couldnt believe that possibly I was going to give birth on this, date and be bringing an innocent child into this corrupt world as it is and also a world filled with terrists. Thank goodness I ended up not delivering on the 11th I had to wait until the 26th which was ok I guess. I brought a beautiful baby girl 6 lbs 10 Oz 21 inches long into this crazy world at 11:49 pm. I believe that this date should be considered a holiday American people should have the day off to spend with their families and remember and reflect on those individuals we lost while in the line of duty as well as all those innocent individuals that simply showed up to work not knowing the magnitude of what was about to happen. Its insane to think that our government is so selfish to not declare this day a holiday this us, a day that everyone will remember I guarantee if you think back the majority of people can pinpoint exactly where they were and what they were doing. This day is a memory, a learning experience and definitely an eye opener for myself and others. Its very disturbing to think that individuals that either volunteer or get paid put their lives on the line for people they dont even know and in return they endure harassment being scrutinized and most importantly not being shown the appreciation they deserve both from government stand point and their so called brotherhood. Take a moment and self reflect and be proud that you are breathing another day dont waste precious time committing selfless acts of unkindness, and causing stress in others lives. As if the American people dont have enough to deal with like health care issues unemployment and crime levels on the rise. Embrace your friends and family and take each day for what its worth. Take this day and remember all those who lost their lives and lost loved ones and think about your own sins and how you can become a better person in society. Have a great day all.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 12:04:40 +0000

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