Many years ago, perhaps maybe 10 yrs, possibly in 2006, I was - TopicsExpress


Many years ago, perhaps maybe 10 yrs, possibly in 2006, I was angered when I hear news of widespread forced conversion of African christians to Islam by means of terrorists insurgents overtaking the countrys governance. I had highlighted this as a main concern to various ppl, incl lodging a complaint with BNM, to point out the disposal culture of consumption pattern spurned by Islamic practices which had segregated Msians social wasteful and unprofitable. My complaint had then alerted police n Muslim extremists alike who found my objection to be anti-islamist in nature. Well the truth is, how many of the claimed Muslim conversion both in Msia n Africa r genuine, u tell me?? It was a booster to numbers so that they can claim islam as a religion of the majority and d might/power/strength of d religion itself. Subsequently when after I had discovered abt d communist networks (Feb 2009) n I also had highlighted that the rise of Islam in africa via terror networks(2012), that if the Muslim world do not rise up to correct the wrongs happening in africa, it wl eventually lead to d demise of monarchy rule in mid east. Yes, back in 2006 I did notice single malay man in plain clothes following me around when in shopping malls prob bcos they want to see who r in my social circles. And im not surprised a worker in BNM had lodged a police report against me bcos of my complaint. I think it is time for d Muslim world to evaluate on what r the tenets/principles of their religion n to make a clear stand on this issue. This is the second time Im making this call. Bcos communism works their way like a snake into every religion, then brainwash the religions followers with bits of lie, deviation here n there, to suit their own agenda. The Muslim world cannot turn a blind eye to ravages of destruction of African communities, plunging them into extreme poverty while keeping their silence of the rise of muslim militancy which deviates from the principles of their religion. It would be hypocrisy to claim sympathy for Gaza while not claiming sympathy for multitudes of Africans whose lives had been torn apart by Islamic militancy. Failure to do what is right when it is within our powers to do so, is also a sin. The sin of omission. So as Raya is celebrated the world over, I pray n hope u wl all include the plights of suffering africans within yr prayer agenda. The touch of God n righteousness brings healing, love, compassion, deliverance from evil. By these standards, judge for yourselves which is of God and which is of the devil. For the Islamic militants to claim Islam were there first before Judaism/Christianity were born as a religion, is a blatant lie they had been fed with. When God created d world n charted history, there were no religions called by names. So if we claim beliefs in our maker, who is but ONE God, then why do we kill our brethren?? I believe, if one holds pride in anything at all, that is their religion. True faith in God means to live ones life only to please God, not our ego, not our repute, not our fame, not our human ways/thots/intelligence. The boundaries of each land, country is meant to serve efficient governance administration, security, accountability, responsibility and uniformity of rules observed. Is it worth fighting, just to achieve the boundaries?? To choose peace, is to allow God to rule. Bcos God is peace and He asked for our submission to Him, that is the obedience we ought to give. Bcos God has our best interest at heart, bcos prosperity from d earth can only come about as a result of peace. This is a divine principle which d communist attempt to break, so that they can boost d claim of Charles Darwin, that there is no God, human evolves from animals, so d communist would hv u become so poor, that u would live, behave, scavenge/kill/slaughter like an animal. Yes communist targets the poor, to make them even poorer, so that these human will curse God their maker for the fate they r in. Then such environment is ripe to embrace communism as their god. How did communism snaked in the Islamic faith and created a new division/branch within d faith? By fixing their faith/acts/beliefs in ONE section of the quran, this is taking the verse/situation/principle out of context. To see/recognise virtues of God is to understand His many faces revealed in the stories recorded n compiled in a book which we use as point of reference. To know who God is, He can be found when u devote yrself 2 prayer. Human were made to communicate with God n to hear/listen from God. It is a two-way communication. Gods presence is everywhere, that is His encompassing greatness. Do we need to prove it, by fighting over with words?? is not my job to prove God exist. That is His job. My role is only to submit to God in obedience. Ive stepped into eternity, the moment I submit myself to God and do His healing works on this damaged, ravaged earth. It doesnt matter what my religion is called. Im both a child n a servant of God, that is all that matters. If you see any greatness at all in me, that is the greatness of God, His glory youve seen. Nothing of it is mine, none I can call my own. Ive just discovered why communist China now claims the South China Seas as their seems based on historical records kept, the seas had belonged to the Chinese govt. In my opinion, there is no legitimacy to this claim, unless the imperial dynasty still exist in China and the emperor has a right to claim, my fathers fathers fathers fathers great grandfathers had first sailed discovered this region n conquered n maintain rule over it for thousands of years. But communist China had already killed all dynasties, d glories of past imperial courts and their rich cultural observances...there is no more dignity/respect left in Chinese culture/history when communism sweeps over china, what is there to claim now??? Unless u wish to start another world war??!! All historical records, books of Tao, confucious, were burnt by young bastards(orphans) of the red now u see d parallel of bastards in Islamic militancy rise in africa?? How many of those tkg arms are orphans, u tell me?? All of them, right???
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 09:40:37 +0000

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