Man’s growth of intelligence stagnates around the age of 14 or - TopicsExpress


Man’s growth of intelligence stagnates around the age of 14 or 15 when he or she is biologically capable of reproduction. Even if he goes on to live beyond 100 years by physically growing, his intelligence measured at 15 or 100 hardly differ from that of 14... except in one case. If a human being grows in the quality of awareness from moment to moment by exploring the question of self-awareness, he will keep gaining more intelligence in both quality and quantity. In order to grow in this level of intelligence, one has to go meditatively deeper and deeper into the subjectivity of one’s own interior without clinging to any ideas, philosophy or material objectifications. When you accept and believe in ideology, you become dependent on your memory and habits and will only grow in pseudo-intelligence by acquiring knowledge. True wisdom never dawns on you. Pragmatically, you may become an intellectual. But your intelligence is not going to grow by this process. Meditation is the only way to turn the spot light on to yourself in full awareness of your subjectivity. The question arises.. “what am I?” and “who am I?” Your journey into deeper and deeper layers of awareness through microscopically delving into these questions will raise your level intelligence. On the other hand, if you are pre-occupied with day-to-day struggles of life and sustaining the pleasures and material profits and gaining worldly knowledge, your intelligence is already stuck at the age of 14. Majority of mankind lives in this domain and die for ever with the ambitions and dreams which they nurtured only in their body and mind..Even their definition of spirituality is just a definition and belief in their memory! With the sad demise of memory, everything gets wiped out! A man of meditation growing in the quality of self-awareness will keep growing even beyond his physical death..Death happens only to your body and mind and not to your intelligence.. It keeps growing with your journey into deeper and deeper layers of self awareness. The whole purpose of our life is to carry on in this journey with higher and higher intelligence. In this way, a Jesus or Buddha has got infinite amount of intelligence as they keep growing like ever expanding universe. You are in fact the same intelligent being.. The only mistake you are doing is that you have forgotten for a while that you have the potential to grow through meditation and self awareness. All that you need to do is to undo and unlearn all that distracted you from the path of self-awareness.. it is as simple as that.. Buddha in his time kept on saying that “ I am not giving you any new doctrine or philosophy.. I am just giving you an invitation. I am just a therapist and not an ideologist. Just accept my invitation for a while for my therapy.. y therapy is nothing but meditation.” The great masters have only given you an invitation to enter into a new journey. They never wanted to set rules and formulas for your growth of intelligence. Unfortunately mankind has reduced their noble invitation into a theoretical dogma which are in fact useless. You have to accept the invitation and discover the new path in the interiority of your own forest of self-awareness. The immensity of happiness and bliss of this journey is indescribable.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 02:04:24 +0000

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