Marachi are one of sixteen tribes of the Luhya people of Kenya . - TopicsExpress


Marachi are one of sixteen tribes of the Luhya people of Kenya . Nestled between the Samia , Khayo and Wanga, the Marachi occupy a land area comparatively smaller than the other Luhya tribes in Busia District. In their native Luhya language, the people of Marachi are known as Abamarachi , their land Bumarachi or Ebumarachi and their dialect Lumarachi. Marachi land is divided into East, West, Central ,andNorthMarachi locations. Significant town in Marachi is Butula and Bumala Marachi clans Abafofoyo, Abamuchama, Abatula, Abamurono, Abangaya, Ababule, Abamulembo,Abatelia, Abapwate, Abasumia, Abarano, Abasimalwa, Abakwera, Ababere, Abamutu, Abamalele, Abakolwe, Ababonwe. Abamarachi derive their name from the Luo who settled North East of the Marachi area. The Luo word Marach denotes a bad person. The Abarachi are said to have been among the latest immigrants into the present day Busia County. It is said that Mareba the founding father of the Abarachi had settled in Ebulagira having fled the feud over Kingship in Buganda. He together with his cousin Muwanga fled and east words from Buganda to settle in different regions of Western Kenya. It is said Mareba was the founding father of Abafofoyo who reserved the royal blood from Buganda. However, as a result of their small numbers in the new settlement, they had to assimilate other groups of persons like Abaderia, Ababere, Abamalere and other Abafofoyo clans. Omoto the son of Mareba was dispatched to the periphery of what would form Ebumarachi to settle at Murende hills also known as Ebumala-meaning a place where raids are taken. To this day, Kabwodo is known for it cattle raiding escapades. Omoto settled in Ebumala and invited his cousin Shiundu to come and govern the area. Another brother of Shiundu, Kadima was sent to Ebulemia and started the clan of Abamulembo from the Wanga clan Bamulembwa. This marked the consolidation of the Wanga and Marachi kingdom. Since the Abafofoyo were organized, they were able to ward off the expansion of the Jok Omollo a nilotic group that sought to control the Nzoia and Sio Rivers in the area and the fishing grounds around the gulf of Erukala and Ebusijo-modern Port Victoria and Sio Port respectively. This effort to thwart the Luo influence kept the Luo on the other side of River Nzoia in Ugunja, and Rundiye areas. It is important to understand that Abafofoyo are spread in what they call Amakunda-homesteads where their forefathers lived. There are basically 5 settlements of the Abafofoyo. The settlement of Chengo and Indangalasia where Kuchio settled, Ebutula where Ongoma settled, Elugulu where Ndubi settled, Esikoma where Walobwa and Ebujumba where Rajula settled. Of these settlements, Walobwa would become the father of Oduya the king who ruled in Esikoma. Oduya, Agoro, Ndubi, and Chesa controlled Marachi Central, while Opata, Rajula and Oyula controlled Marachi West. Kuchio, Ongoma and Ndubi controlled Marachi East. These conglomeration was a strategy employed to space the kingdom and keep away from disease and attacks. This way the Abafofoyo were able to expand and have their kingdom protected.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 20:11:11 +0000

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