March 11, 2012 was the day that I moved out and away from the only - TopicsExpress


March 11, 2012 was the day that I moved out and away from the only life I have ever known since 2001. It was the most difficult time in my life. I made mistakes and my ex made mistakes and yet I tried in the end to fight for my marriage, but it was too late...the damage and the hurt had been made on both sides and there was no return... Days, weeks, months and then years went by feeling loss, grief, pain, worthless, alone, lonely and most of all, unloved and unappreciated... When was it gonna be my turn to be and feel loved? Was I that horrible that I deserved to be alone the rest of my life? I was always the romantic and always catered to the men in my relationships with no expectations of reciprocation in mind but their happiness; all that mattered was that whoever I was with, was just happy. July 8th...the day that changed my life forever... So as much backlash as I have received for doing the Neil Abercrombie commercial, the BEST thing to result from it was when my now boyfriend contacted me that July 8th via FB email to say he saw me on the commercial. What was weird was we knew each other as mere acquaintances since high school; him at Iolani and me at Mid-Pac and then Kaiser, yet would only acknowledge one another over the years; nvr engaging in conversation. So it came as a shock to me when my now bf sent me a platonic email mentioning the commercial. From that point on, we emailed then eventually texted everyday from July 8th. It wasnt until july16 we finally hung out together for the first time but it was brief as he just accompanied me as I drove out to Aiea to bring a friend some thai food and flowers for hvg had a medical procedure done earlier that day. Then two days later, the bf said he had something for me (mind u, still friends and still not even tlkg romantically) and that hed drive out to meet me after hvg dinner with his family to which I then replied that if hes gonna drive all the way out to town from aiea just to give me something, we might as well go do something to which we then went to a movie. He gave me this special gourmet dark chocolate made in hawaii that he occasionally buys for his mother. I was touched by such thoughtfulness... Never did I meet someone who just as friends would do something so sweet without expecting anything in return; not even asking to hang out. No ulterior motives just pure genuine gestures on his part; expecting nothing in return. It was from that moment on I was smitten...there was another evening I was txtg him that I was out with friends and extremely tired. He was ready to drive to town to pick me up and tk me home to hawaii kai. However, it was when he even offered to call a driving service that would take me home in my own car that I realized, if he was only about hooking up he wouldnt offer to hv a service pick me up but would do it himself so that he could spend time with me. Wow, what a gentleman. All he cared about was that I got home safely and if I didnt want him to pick me up, hed find someone else to do it because my safety was first and foremost important. Then July 22nd...I was fearful of losing him as a potential in my life as I could feel him slipping away because he thought I might like someone else. I couldnt let that happen...little did he know, I had been tlkg abt him to my friends and i was already falling for this man who stole my heart with just being himself and w/o even trying to impress me... July show my mutual interest and commitment to him, I declared myself, in a relationship on fb. ...and so our journey together began... It was not without bumps in the road that we hence began...there were haters (haters of me bc brad has none) who tried to come btwn us but it was one in particular who really went to extreme lengths to break us up, but Brad was steadfast and committed to reassuring me that everything would be okay. Another admirable trait I found in this man.... Never quitting when the going gets tough. Something so many married couples do these days. We both came with baggage but left it with TSA and worked through our issues out stronger. As Brad mentioned to me,most couples start off great and then run into problems, but we started with the can only get better from here and make us stronger... I couldnt agree more... Brad Takenaka, one could never verbalize what you have brought into my life... You know, I didnt realize what I was missing out on until I met you... You have renewed my faith and hope in a perfect imperfect love that is fueled upon a pureness of love. I had just abt given up on the idea of a man who was perfect for me when u entered and made me forget all the heartache and heartbreak I endured on my journey to you. I love that we can be at the same event socializing with friends and then suddenly look up and catch a quick loving glance... I love that you are a hopeful romantic as I, who can appreciate the little or grand gestures I do. I love that u are comfortable expressing your feelings verbally as well as via actions. I love that chivalry isnt dead with you... I love seeing,Brad Takenaka pop-up on my phone indicating you texted. Yes, it may still be the honeymoon phase, but Ill take it! I love that you value family and how my family and children already adore u. But then again, whats not to adore? But most of all, I love the way u make me feel. Everyday we part, Im already counting down the hours til we meet again. You are the yin to my yang, the good to my morning and the key to my heart. Looking forward to many more new discoveries; many firsts with you... Now I know how Tom Cruise felt when he jumped onto the couch when he was talking abt Katie Holmes on the Oprah show...pure exhilaration...
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 23:52:59 +0000

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