March 11 2014 To you, I came to bring life, and life - TopicsExpress


March 11 2014 To you, I came to bring life, and life abundantly to those who would choose me over the things of this world. My desire is for you to walk in that abundance and To be free from all the entrapments of the evil one. It is not My desire to make you suffer. But many have given their hearts to me fully asking that they could share in My sufferings. To these, I have given the privilege of carrying the burdens of others and My church. When you said, “Lord, I want to be like You.” Did you not realize that means to also share in My sufferings? All who are godly in Christ must suffer. The kind of suffering is different for each person according to what I know you can handle. And for those willing to die to Self, and go “all the way” with Me, I have given great privilege, for these sufferings will NOT go unheeded or useless. For I will give you authority over what has bludgeoned you. I will use you to set MANY Free from their bondages and shackles of the enemy. DO NOT THINK I HAVE ABANDONED YOU. Each person has their own kind of ministry. Not all are called to the “limelight” and fame. But be faithful in the little things, and I will expand your heart to reach more. Realize that for each ONE person you have laid down your life for, in intercession, in giving, in ministering to them, that which you have done will be multiplied. For each one you touch will also touch others, and you never know who will be the one to reach thousands or millions. So one person touching a handful or two can make a HUGE difference in the world. I am not looking only to make people stars to those on earth. That is idolatry. I am looking to make you like the stars in the heavens which shine glory upon the weak and suffering masses of people who don’t know Me, or how much I love them. Do not give your worship to men, but give your worship to the ONE Who made man. For what is man, but a breath, here today and gone tomorrow. But I am Eternal. I am Everlasting Father, the Eternal God Who designed everything in the heavens and on earth. Because many have bowed to idols, they have been humbled, and brought low til they change their minds from hating the One True God, rather than their idols. Your eyes will see more graven images coming to earth, appearing on earth due to the deception of the enemy seeking to draw all attention away from Me to himself. But remember what I have said. Remember WHOSE you are. Remember that you are sons and daughters of the King of Kings and Lord of all lords. Many in this hour, rather than suffer will give in to the enemy’s devices. Your enemies will be those of your own household in many cases, or your closest friends or neighbors. Be wise beloveds in your associations. Be wise and ask Me for wisdom for all the whens and hows. Ask for MY WISDOM in order to do what is in My will. I am arising, and as I do, there will be great tumult, for the enemy knows his time is short. You can see the murder of Christians in other places has escalated. This gospel WILL BE PREACHED to all nations before the great and terrible day of the Lord, and I need ready volunteers. Ps 110:3 Your people shall be willing in the day of your power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: you have the dew of your youth. Understand that though days will be glorious, times will be hard, so assignments I have are for the bravehearts, and not for the weak or timid. I need GIDEONS who will believe Me and obey Me. I am not angry with those who have no desire to do this. I understand more than you know the difficulty of assignments to lay down your lives. I will give to those who desire to do My will for them the GRACE commensurate with the assignment. Some will go undercover to be vessels of PRAYER and WORSHIP, to pray for the army that goes forth. Just as at Jericho, I send the worshippers first, to prepare the way, and to break the powers of darkness, I will do the same today. Don’t look at what is on someone else’s plate of assignment. I have given each and every one of you assignments. For some it may only be one person to change. For others, it may be dozens, or 50, or 100 or thousands, or millions. You are successful in this life if you do what you alone are called to do, no matter how small or big the assignment. This is not like worldly school classrooms. Living out the call on your life is all that matters. Just be who I have called you to be. Turn over to ME, each day, and ask what we are going to do. I will lead you, and guide you if you only ask. And I have many surprises that you could not anticipate waiting for you too. This is not drudgery work. These are heavenly assignments, that will also bring glory. My glory will touch down and change all things. Heaven is invading earth. It must, because I have declared it from the beginning. It must because the enemy has come down in wrath to persecute the saints. I will foil ALL his plans. You are not finished till I SAY you are finished, so worry not, fret not, have no anxiety within, for I AM THE PRINCE OF PEACE and I am imparting what you need for your assignment, as you worship ME, in the beauty of holiness, and as you pray and commune with ME, I am pouring out GRACE, GRACE, GRACE to conquer the mountains you will encounter and have to cross.”
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 06:45:40 +0000

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