March 17th, 2053: Operation Anvil is launched to wipe out the - TopicsExpress


March 17th, 2053: Operation Anvil is launched to wipe out the Hydrax on Earth. Despite the use of allied Shakavri and Rogue forces, the assault encounters unexpectedly heavy resistance. The first phases of the assault go well, with the combined fleets forcing back or destroying the Hydrax ships. A task force by the battleship USS Regulus is even able to engage a large Hydrax terraforming station in low orbit. The landing forces are deployed from gliders, powered assault transports, and mecha. Forces will make for several pre-designated landing points in the hopes of establishing a beachhead for follow-on forces. Their largest landing targets are western Canada in North America, northern China, the western Sahara in North Africa, and the Argentine plains of South America. By 0925 GMT resistance unexpectedly increases. Hydrax reinforcements begin to flood trans-lunar space. It soon becomes apparent that the assault force will soon be overwhelmed by an enemy numbering in the billions. The fleet turns its efforts to fighting a delaying action so that the landing ships can make the dangerous decent through the atmosphere to their positions. Most succeed in making it to the Earth, but many do not. In the end the assault is turned back with heavy losses, but it succeeds in landing sufficient forces to bolster ground based resistance. In future operations the Allied forces concentrate on destroying Hydrax fleet and dropping supplies to forces on Earth. Forces will make for several pre-designated landing points in the hopes of establishing a beachhead for follow-on forces.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 17:14:14 +0000

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