March 2014 BLOW FOR PROJECT FEAR AS CHARLES KENNEDY SLAMS NEGATIVITY OF NO NO CAMPAIGN’S LACK OF ‘COHERENT BLUEPRINT’ FOR SCOTLAND HIGHLIGHTED – ONLY YES GUARANTEES MORE POWERS The No campaign has faced a further blow today – after former Liberal Democrat leader Charles Kennedy became the latest high-profile figure to criticise the incessant negativity of the No campaign and highlight the lack of a coherent vision for further powers. Mr Kennedy has stated that the No campaign – which recently boasted of running a ‘Dambusters Strategy’ to attempt to undermine confidence in the Scottish economy – would have to become less negative in order to connect with voters in Scotland. Mr Kennedy also spoke out against the practice of UK Government ministers jetting into Scotland to attempt to spread fear about independence – arguing that it is likely to make people in Scotland ask “who are they to come up here and tell us what to do?” On the prospect of more powers for the Scottish Parliament, Mr Kennedy admitted the lack of a “coherent blueprint” for further devolution, and called for the anti-independence parties to reach a cross-party agreement – despite this already being explicitly ruled out by Ruth Davidson. Commenting, Caithness, Sutherland and Ross MSP - member of the Scottish Parliament’s Referendum Bill Committee - Rob Gibson said: “Charles Kennedy is quite right to speak out against the negativity of the No campaign – its lack of vision for Scotland is now so blatant that even its high profile supporters are criticising it. However – in a twist of irony – just minutes after Mr Kennedy criticised the negativity of ‘Project Fear’, Labour MP Jim Murphy was on the radio playing the same old broken record on scaremongering! “Mr Kennedy points out that the No camp’s approach is likely to make people across Scotland think who are they to come up here and tell us what to do, rather than make any clear, coherent case for staying under the Westminster system. “But while Mr Kennedy may want an agreement on further powers, it is becoming increasingly clear that this is not going to happen. With six months to go until the referendum, the No parties have failed to come to an agreement on more powers amongst themselves, never mind publish a proposal they can all sign up to. “The only way to achieve the powers Scotland needs to build a fairer society and more prosperous economy is to vote Yes for independence in September.” Notes to editors Charles Kennedy’s comments are reported here: Ruth Davidson’s comments ruling out a cross-party offer of more powers are reported here:
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 10:20:20 +0000

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