March 2014 WESTMINSTER EU UNCERTAINTY UNDERMINING BUSINESS ONLY A YES VOTE WILL PROTECT SCOTLAND’S PLACE IN EU The concerns expressed by businesses over the uncertainty the prospect of a referendum on EU membership is causing has underlined that the best way to protect Scotland’s place in Europe is with a Yes vote for an independent Scotland. With all of the main Westminster parties now committed to holding a referendum on EU membership under certain circumstances, the damaging prospect of leaving the EU will now hang over the UK indefinitely. A series of business leaders have expressed grave concerns about the damage that leaving the EU would cause in recent months and the policy announced this week by Ed Miliband means that this uncertainty will continue regardless of what party is in power at Westminster. The only way that Scotland can fully avoid the damaging and prolonged uncertainty over EU membership is with a Yes vote. The fact that putting up with the ongoing uncertainty Westminster is causing over EU membership is not in the interests of people in Scotland was recognised by Business Secretary Vince Cable last week, who asked “How on Earth do you expect to persuade the Scots to ignore the siren voices of nationalism and separatism when you indulge in British nationalism and Euro-separatism?” Commenting, SNP MSP Roderick Campbell who sits on the European and External Relations Committee said: “With all of the main Westminster parties now fully signed up to following UKIP’s agenda and prolonging the uncertainty over the UK’s place in the EU, it is now undeniable that the best way to protect Scotland’s place in Europe is with a Yes vote in September. “This week Labour Leader Ed Miliband committed his party to providing years of uncertainty by holding the threat of a referendum on leaving the EU over the heads of people and businesses in the UK for years to come. “That is deeply damaging and means that the uncertainty for people and businesses in the UK will continue whichever party is in power at Westminster. “The overwhelming weight of evidence is that the biggest thing concerning businesses is the danger of the UK withdrawing from the European Union. That affects jobs and investment and undermines the many businesses who sell their goods and services to the rest of the continent. “With a Yes vote this year, we can end the damaging uncertainty and allow Scotland to speak with our own voice in Europe. “Instead of isolation and uncertainty, a Yes vote this year will enable us to play a full and active part in protecting Scotland’s interests in Europe.” Notes: The warnings over the EU referendum being planned by Westminster parties are rapidly mounting: Vince Cable, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills He accused UKIP and members of the Conservative Party to leave the EU pushing for Britain to leave the EU and “putting at risk the union of the UK.” “You are also putting at risk the union of the UK. How on Earth do you expect to persuade the Scots to ignore the siren voices of nationalism and separatism when you indulge in British nationalism and Euro-separatism?” Vince Cable, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, theguardian/politics/2014/jan/18/british-exit-eu-scare-foreign-investors-vince-cable When asked by the Observer whether foreign companies had raised concerns about the UK Government’s proposed in/out referendum, he said: The answer is yes. What I say [to businesses] as a government minister is that the risks of us leaving the EU are very, very low … and I just try to reassure foreign investors. Vince Cable, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, The prospect of a referendum and possible exit from the EU is deeply unsettling for businesses trading in the European single market, from the car industry to financial services. Nick Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister, theguardian/politics/2014/jan/23/nick-clegg-tories-eu-exit-damage-uk To trade successfully in the modern world, Britain must stay in. As an EU member, we have access to trade agreements with more than 50 countries around the world – and weve launched negotiations with the US. The commission has confirmed if the UK left the EU, wed lose access to EU trade agreements with third parties and potentially have to negotiate them all from scratch, and negotiate from a much weaker position.” John Cridland, Director General, CBI, theguardian/politics/2014/jan/18/british-exit-eu-scare-foreign-investors-vince-cable A large majority of CBI businesses of all sizes are clear: the UK is best served inside a reformed EU, rather than outside with no influence”. Neil Rami, Chief Executive, Marketing Birmingham, theguardian/politics/2014/jan/18/british-exit-eu-scare-foreign-investors-vince-cable It is making them nervous and reticent. One of the reasons why businesses like Jaguar, Land Rover and Deutsche Bank have chosen to invest and grow in Birmingham is because it offers them quick and direct access to important European markets. By pledging a referendum and putting EU membership in the balance, we lose a major string to our bow and potential investors will look elsewhere. Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, Chairman and Former CEO, Nestlé Group, “From a purely economic point of view, I cant see that the withdrawal of the UK [from the EU] would be favourable for any UK industries.” “It would isolate the UK economically. Every company would be forced to re-evaluate the implications of investing in the UK. It would no doubt have an impact on its ability to supply European markets. Jim Cowles, Chief Executive, Citi- Europe, Middle East and Africa, It is not that international companies will stop investing in Britain, but their investment just will not be at the scale we have become accustomed to. Paul Polman, Chief Executive, Unilever, We are very concerned about the overall competitiveness of Europe vis-a-vis the rest of the world. Steve Odell, Chief Executive, Ford- Europe reuters/article/2014/01/15/us-britain-ford-idUSBREA0E0KD20140115 I would strongly advise against leaving the EU for business purposes, and for employment purposes in the UK.” Statement from Toyota, ft/cms/s/0/9bbcd386-7f89-11e3-b6a7-00144feabdc0.html#axzz2rn0UYFYV “The UK’s membership of the EU has always been an important consideration for Toyota, from our original decision to invest here and indeed to this day.” “Like a lot of international investors in this country, open access to the European Single Market has been and remains crucial to our business success.” Ben van Beurden, CEO, Royal Dutch Shell Thats the chief reason were in favour of the UK maintaining its long-established place at the heart of the European Union: it provides greater investment stability and certainty. “But, as a global business with feet planted firmly on both sides of the Channel, we also believe that the UKs national interests are best served by a close relationship with Europe. The continent faces medium-term challenges - not least relating to its economic competitiveness. But we believe those challenges are best tackled - to the benefit of all - with the UKs voice loudly expressed and loudly heard inside the EU.” Nigel Stein, Chief Executive, GKN “The prospect of the UK talking itself into an exit from the EU would be deeply harmful to our industries, where we are part of a European footprint, not a country in isolation.”
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 10:06:48 +0000

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