March 23 Business by the Book There is no verse to support - TopicsExpress


March 23 Business by the Book There is no verse to support today’s concept. What kind of Bible devotion is this that has no Bible verse connected with it? Good question! Sometimes we can learn as much by noticing things that are not written in the Bible. Of course the Word of God has many principles governing success in the world of business, but it also is silent about some things of which we should pay attention. One such issue is today’s thought. Nineteen times the word “tried” is used in Scripture. Seventeen times the word “try” is recorded. The word “attempt” is not used at all. Each time the word “tried” or “try” is used it is the context of something being tested with an idea of a trial (not the legal proceeding but in the verification of something). The Bible is absolutely silent on the practice of “trying” to accomplish something (this word, “trying” is only used once and that is in the form of proving something). In today’s culture there seems to be an overabundance of people who will “try” to do something, but not really be invested in the effort needed to accomplish the task. Phrases like “I tried but couldn’t do it”, or “I will try” appear to be wholly overused. In light of the Scriptural silence on this idea of “trying” it could be said that in every undertaking we either succeed or fail. Winners work until they succeed and those who fail to succeed oftentimes use excuses like “I tried, but it just couldn’t be done” only to have someone else do it. What is it that you are trying to do? Don’t try, do it! Concerning the building of the Great Temple, King David said to Solomon (his son who would replace him as king) “…Be strong and of good courage, and do it: fear not, nor be dismayed…” (I Chronicles 28:20) Solomon did, he built a Temple, a building so grand and expensive that it probably could not be duplicated today for lack of skill and materials. A favorite story of mine is a about a business man walking down the sidewalk. During this walk he came upon a young boy playing in a mud puddle. The boy was covered with mud. This prompted the businessman to ask the boy, “Son, what are you trying to do?” The boy replied, “Mister, I’m not trying to do anything, I’m doing it!” Too many are trying to do something when they simply should just get busy and do it. Silence sometimes speaks volumes. The Bible being silent on this thing of trying is a resounding challenge for people to seek accomplishment. Don’t try to do it. Do it! Start today. Until tomorrow, carry on your Business by the Book today, William T. Howe, PhD If someone has forwarded this daily devotion to you and you would like to be added to our email list, please reply to [email protected]. Your email address will remain private, we do not share email addresses.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 22:30:05 +0000

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