March 25, 2014 “The first step on the way to victory is to - TopicsExpress


March 25, 2014 “The first step on the way to victory is to recognize the opposition” ~ Corrie Ten Boom I return to the analogy of basketball and sports. Every Coach prepares a game plan to match the strengths and weaknesses of the opposing team. The Coach must determine what the opposing team does best and what their weaknesses are. If the team’s talent is adequate or superior, a well prepared and executed game plan can lead to victory. Today’s quote speaks to this point. I rather doubt Corrie Ten Boom had March Madness in mind as she penned this quote. However, no matter the situation; the truth is universal. It applies to military conflict, sports, personal matters and life situations. Before we can prevail against the opposition we must first understand who/what the opposition is. This sounds so simple it is often overlooked. We often rant and rage against a person or ideal when the real enemy is Satan. Satan desires nothing more than to compromise and destroy your life and witness. He will do whatever it takes to achieve this outcome. Through Christ, Satan has been defeated at the cross. The evil one does not hold the final word or power. Jesus assures victory as we trust and live in obedience. This does NOT imply we will not suffer illness and hardship! While on earth there will be suffering and temporary setbacks. Our line of defense is to exercise the “sword of the Spirit” with confidence in Christ. ... Eph. 6:17... Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Don’t make the mistake of entering the battle alone! As you face day to day difficulties, recognize who the adversary is and claim the promises of Christ. Be confident; Christ has defeated any spiritual battle you will face. Listen to the Coach and execute His game plan! Christ 100 – Evil- 0. In Christ, your a Winner, Rob
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 22:04:05 +0000

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