March 25th reading Psalm 119:165-168...Genesis 13:5-9... 1 - TopicsExpress


March 25th reading Psalm 119:165-168...Genesis 13:5-9... 1 Corinthians 12:3 DISAGREE WHERE NECESSARY, BUT BE IN AGREEMENT ABOUT TRUTH!!!!!!!!!! Jesus said, He who is not against us is for us. There is no excuse for division and antagonism between believers or groups of believers. It is possible to disagree strongly or deeply and still affirm that we hold fundamental truths in common, and that we are still family. Barnabas and Paul could not agree as to the wisdom of taking John Mark on mission again. In consequence they have worked separately, still extending the Kingdom but through different geographic areas. Who knows if this diminished or increased their over all effectiveness? Similarly, after the council of Witby in 664 Bishop Colman returned to Iona with all the Irish Monks and about 30 native to Northumbria who chose to go to Scotland rather than remain and implement the councils decision. Even Bede refers to Colman as a man of innate prudence and good sense. After a short stay on Iona, Colman and his brothers went to Ireland and he founded two monasteries there. The first of these monasteries was in Inis-bo-finde of the west coast of Ireland. The Northumbrians settled well, but complained that each summer the Irish monks travelled the countryside, and were not around to bring in the harvest but were content not to travel during the winter!! Colman then built a second monastery on the Irish mainland for these Northumbrians, which in time grew but later conformed more to Roman practice than Celtic. Bede does not tell us the nature or purpose of the journeyings of these Irish monks who had come to Lindisfarne.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 22:57:46 +0000

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