March 27, 2014 Morning squabbles or blockages can be - TopicsExpress


March 27, 2014 Morning squabbles or blockages can be frustrating, but if you use them to motivate yourself to make improvements, dear Leo, you come out a winner. This is a good day for getting organized, taking care of some of the pesky details of your daily life, and for working towards health and fitness goals. You are determined, focused, and motivated, and this is a magical combination. Tend to matters that have been left hanging with renewed vigor. Important conversations that wrap things up, set rules, or that revolve around making goals for the future can occur now. You are able to employ strategy and to display self-control. Creativity: Good ~ Love: Good ~ Business: Excellent
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 15:44:02 +0000

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