March 29, 2014: Word Reflections - Genesis 23-24 GOD’S CUES FOR - TopicsExpress


March 29, 2014: Word Reflections - Genesis 23-24 GOD’S CUES FOR FINDING YOUR LIFETIME PARTNER (NB Best to meditate on the bible chapters first before the reflection.) “True love is a high and holy principle, altogether different in character from that love which is awakened by impulse and which suddenly dies when severely tested.” Tomorrow, another couple among couples my wife and I have counseled for months will declare their “I do’s”. These moments are always of great importance as they are sacred. They represent lifetime commitments. Early in my work as a pastor, I have seen couples break up in less than a year or in a couple of years. My heart goes out to these couples. And to a degree I felt responsible for not having prepared them better. Back then, I was single and unattached. By the grace of God, I am now married. Better stationed in life and more equipped for a ministry such as this. Before Isaac could even think of marriage, his father Abraham had thought of his future and marriage. Isaac’s marriage to Rebekah gave the world the 12 tribes of Israel from which came our Savior, our Lord Jesus. You might say, Isaac was a blessed young man who had the guidance of a godly father. Most young men today would not have a great father like Abraham. We should not expect too much hence. Yes, most young men will not have an Abraham for a father. But Abraham was a great father on the matter only to the extent he sought and applied God’s Word in Isaac’s life. There is no dearth of God’s Word and Word Counsellors today. The question is: will you, young man or young woman, take God’s cues to finding the right person in marriage? Cue #1: Isaac submitted himself in the choice of the right partner to those who are authorities in his life. Isaac’s first godly submission to his father was displayed in the scene leading to his near death on the altar. While he questioned his father about the missing object to be sacrificed, he clearly honored the word of God through his father by willingly getting bound as the offering that would be slayed. Evidence within the account (as many commentators point out) suggests that he was already a young man, and not a boy, when this took place. The same willingness was shown when Rebecca was presented to him. In fact, Isaac took the “orders” from his father’s trusted servant, Eliezer. “The servant told Isaac all the things that he had done. Then Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah’s tent, and he took Rebekah, and she became his wife , and he loved her...” (24:66-67). Even today, many parents take an active role in the choice of the right partner for their child. But as in this account, the final decision belongs to the parties themselves. Rebekah was asked by his family whether she would go with Abraham’s servant to marry Isaac or not. Isaac exercised the same freedom. God’s authorities in a person’s life are not meant to shackle. But as God would have it. they are meant to provide clear lines of godly thinking so that right and genuine decisions can be made. We have many stories of single men and women who waited for their parents to agree with their choices before proceeding. In the course of time, either they realized that indeed their choice is not the best or the parents saw what they did not see before. Either way, the partner-seeking individual leans and waits on God by honoring authority. By the way, it is never too old to secure the blessing and approval of parents. Isaac was 40 when he got married. Cue #2: Abraham made sure that the woman Isaac was to marry was not ‘from among the daughters of Canaan, but from among those of his country....’(24:4-5). And even then, his son cannot leave Canaan for where she is. She must come to Canaan. The person you are looking for values what God values, believes in Jesus Christ, has a heart for to keep growing in intimacy with God. “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers....what fellowship can light have with darkness?” (2 Cor. 6:14) The person you are looking for, if you are the man, will follow you in your dreams, in the God-assigned places and assignments. If you are the woman, you will want to honor and follow your prospective partner in life. You will respect the vision God has given to him. Cue #3 Wait for the right moment before you declare your love, if you are the man. And if you are the woman, do not assume anything until the man clearly declares his interest. In the mean time, wait on God and cultivate relationships and friendships that are God-honoring. Isaac was not in a hurry. Marriage is for lifetime. Not just for now. You choose your prospective partner not according to impulse but according to cues God gives you along the way. As God gives you cues, act accordingly. Isaac was on the path of blessing. He was an obedient son and a growing believer. He found Rebekah because he was willing to wait on God. Before you can find the right person, you need to be the right person. Prayer: Lord, I pray for Ben and Juliane for a lifetime of blessed union and partnership. I pray for Julian and Leslie as they continue to wait upon you during this time of prayer and preparation. I pray for young men and women thinking about marriage and their prospective partner - that they may learn to wait on You. I pray for a special blessing this day for all who have taken the path of blessing. Your path. God be praised!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 20:26:33 +0000

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