March 31, 2011 at 5:36 p.m was the day I gave birth to the best - TopicsExpress


March 31, 2011 at 5:36 p.m was the day I gave birth to the best gift I have ever gotten...Kathleen Marie cancel was the name me and your daddy gave you. It seems like yesterday you were born, three long pushes and daddy cut your cord(: Its was a life changing thing, at times a very difficult challenge me and your daddy went thru because of how young we were when you were brought to this world. But we all manage to make it thru. You brighten my world katie if you only knew. Ive changed so much just to become your mother. I try so hard to be the best mother I can be, I try so hard to be patient and understanding. I try my best to make you happy and just give you life god knows you deserve. Mommy may struggle mommy may yell but mommy will forever and ever love you and ALWAYS be there to lift you up when youre down, to cheer you on thru the good and even when youre wrong Ill never make you feel imperfect. Because youre our angel, having you when me and daddy did was a purpose and this recent year we all learned why. Youre daddys little girl and mommys angel. Everyday Im learning to be both parents the best I can. all I want is when you grow up I want you to look at me and be proud of your mom because god has been VERY unfair but were going make thru. Thats a promise. But no matter where life takes us daddy and mommy love you and will be in your heart forever and ever! Youre 3 and soon youll be 4, 5, and so on but youll forever be our little baby girl!
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 04:40:25 +0000

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