March 5, 2014 Positive Christianity Ministries presents...Positive - TopicsExpress


March 5, 2014 Positive Christianity Ministries presents...Positive Daily Inspiration Ash Wednesday Let the same mind BE IN YOU that was in Christ Jesus. Philippians 2:5 POSITIVE DAILY INSPIRATION TELEVISION CHANNEL youtube/PositiveChristianity Prayer Need? Simply reply with your prayer request. Positive Christianity will begin praying with you daily, for an entire month. Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lenten season. Traditionally, this is a time of fasting. Many churches around the world place ashes on the foreheads of believers to remind them that the human body and mind, in time, will return to ashes. Lent begins of 40-day process of preparing for the Easter resurrection. We feast as we share in the life and passion of Jesus Christ by preparing for a personal resurrection -- a restoration of our mind and body through following God and Gods ways. We fast by giving up something -- some habit, object, or behavior that is negative. We fast by giving up thoughts that have become too demanding and draining. L.E.N.T. in Positive Christianity means Lets Eliminate Negative Thinking. I ask you to join me for the next 40 days in a strong commitment to abstaining from negative thinking. We all have children. We are the parents of our ideas and thoughts. We have conceived, given birth, and raised to maturity, the manifestations of our thoughts and ideas. As we begin our own spiritual preparations for Easter, we choose to release those thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that keep us from recognizing and experiencing the resurrecting power of God with us every moment of every day and night. For 40 days, I ask you to join me in keeping a journal to record and become aware of our negative thought patterns. Recognition of these negative thought habits is the first step in working to eliminate them and turning them to DUST. In biblical numerology the number “4” means four square, or complete. Every time the Bible adds a zero, it is an exaggeration, an emphasis, and a multiplication to emphasize completion. The number “4” means complete and zero means more than enough time to complete the process. When the number “400” is biblically mentioned, it means complete and more, and then more than enough time. An example of this in todays language might be this: “That town was big; I mean really big; I mean it was huge!!!” For 40 days, we will eliminate negative thinking that bind us to negative attitudes and habits that result in unproductive experiences in our lives. We will find that after our 40 day fast it has been one of our greatest times of spiritual growth and unfoldment. POSITIVE DAILY PRAYER: Dear God, I pray that I will be empowered in mind by Your Mind. I pray that my human mind opens up and consents to Divine Ideas. I pray that every single thought within my human mind is resurrected to the light and the truth of Christ Mind. I pray that every single negative thought is transmuted into positive perfection through the enlightenment of God. I fast from negative thought, habits, negative actions and reactions for the next 40 days. I pray that they are permanently removed for my life. I pray that I will automatically think positively from this Lenten time on. I release feelings that are not up to the Christ standard. I release behaviors that have kept me in the past. I pray that I now spiritually manifest all that I can do and can be. I follow Jesus Christ in having a personal resurrection of a renewing of mind. I pray God that moment-by-moment throughout the day you will remind me of my decision and commitment. I pray that I will become aware of identifying my negative thoughts, and then in the moment of a negative thought recording it in my journal. May I realize how silly it is to worry or fear or think badly of another, when I myself, am immersed Your love. In Jesus Christ name... Amen Donations – GOD BLESS YOU – thank you for your support: Online donations Donations by mail: Positive Christianity Box 7993 Woodlands, Texas 77380 POSITIVE DAILY AFFIRMATION: Through God I do have the power to eliminate negative thinking. POSITIVE DAILY QUOTE: Life is what happens to you when youre busy making other plans. John Lennon POSITIVE PRAYER TELEVISION CHANNEL youtube/prayerAmerica POSITIVE CHURCH TELEVISION CHANNEL youtube/PositiveChurch MAJOR SALE ON CRUISE - We have been given additional incentives and we are passing these ALL on to you! Sale cabin price is unbelievable even to us. Book your $97 program space now (our only profit to cover expenses) - and you will get the unbelievable cabin sale price $133.99 OFF the lowest price weve ever been able to offer $387.99 bringing the cruise down to $254 plus tax!!! If you have ever thought about going on one of our cruises this is a God-given opportunity not to miss! Remember this is a seven night 4 ½ star Royal Caribbean ship leaving from New Orleans, stopping in gorgeous Key West, sailing to Nassau Bahamas, and Coco Cay Bahamas and returning to New Orleans. This is not a budget cruise, but a top luxury cruise on the highest rated line. Five morning spiritual programs. Cruise Program Donations: Within 24 hours we will email you your booking code, approving you to place a deposit on your cabin at these historically low prices. People in unbelief have been asking us – whats the catch – there is no catch – but you must act fast! Just $97 gets you in the game of a better life. Take a moment now, before you forget, and look at our cruise page for FULL information. - Subscribe for free easily on our homepage SPIRITUALLY SERVING since 1999 – The worldwide PRAYER PLACE inside the Internet, serving a million people every day. Welcoming all faiths, excluding no one. Reaching the ends of the earth with the positive message of God. We do not build buildings – We build people! Not connected to any church, Positive Christianity is a Prayer Ministry without walls, physical or denominational, that the world can instantly access and use without cost. Positive Christianity Ministries Box 7993 Woodlands, Texas 77380 God bless you, Make it a GREAT day!_______Christopher Ian Chenoweth
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 14:16:33 +0000

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