March 5, 2014 We tend to wonder about each day not really knowing - TopicsExpress


March 5, 2014 We tend to wonder about each day not really knowing where we are going, sure, we have our jobs and we go there to do whatever we must do but we are really just going through our lives without any focus at all. Look about you, what is your focus? That person over there, what do they show as their focus? All we really have to do is go and turn the TV on and see what the news is to know the focus of those around us. News out of the entertainment world is a lot of the news, what is this star doing? What is that singer doing? It is all the time, there are even whole TV programs devoted to just entertainment. It seems that we are more interested in our Hollywood type figures than anything else. Many of us are all interested in the stock market, money is our focus. We need money to get by every day, no question about it but it does not need to be our focus. Christ told us that we do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. Money can be good, we need it to live this day and time but to focus on money will only lead to deep heartache and misery. We hear stories all the time about those people that were lucky enough the lottery, millions of dollars. Then before you know it, they are either broke or dying. I have heard story after story about how unhappy and unfulfilled these people are. The music industry is just another Hollywood. These singers that are successful act as if they are better than those around them, their focus is off, way off. There are those among us that spend every waking moment with cars on their minds. You hear about, or maybe even know one, those that think so much for their cars that no one can even touch it. They stay in the garage or covered up all the time, the sun rarely see them either. These people get out there and polish on their cars from dawn to dusk. When they wash them, which is very often, they wipe them down to get every speck of water off of them. That has become their focus. Then too, there are those who have become a bit well off and can afford bigger toys. They go out and learn to fly, airplanes, helicopters, anything that will fly. That becomes their focus just like the cars. Most of us, but not all, tend to put our focus on our families. Now, that is a good thing, isn’t it? I still wonder about that. All we need to do is look around us to see how people are, some take to drink rather family, some take to gambling, and still others take to the lust of the body in so many different ways. Then there are those that do everything for family. How can that be wrong? When we give all our attention to family we are missing out of so very much, how can that be? What is your focus? Where is your heart? I dare say that if you are doing the right thing daily, if your focus is correct, you will have all you need and more, much, much more. Turn your daily focus to Jesus Christ our Lord, all other things will fall into place. I’m not telling you that all your problems will disappear or anything like that but God will guide you in the way you should go. Yea, you still owe the bank and have no money to pay, He is not going to make it disappear overnight but He will help you figure it out if you let Him. That’s right, you have to give in, have faith in God’s power and grace and turn it all over to Him, your true focus. Having troubles at home? Your spouse and you are fighting? If your focus was only God as it should be you may not be at this point. Proper focus on Him will solve many problems, nothing is too big for God. I went through most of my life with my focus everywhere else but on God, I made a mess out of it, no question about it. Someone, I don’t know who, was praying that I return my focus on Him. Becky and I went back to church, then we joined the church and just a short time ago I started to really listen to Him. I feel more alive today than I have ever felt, care to join me? Let me help you with that, God wants us all to be happy and have our focus on Him. Don’t listen to anyone, get your Bible, pray that God gives you the knowledge He wants you to have and start reading. You don’t have to read right from the beginning, but read. I went to the Bible store and got me a devotional, it’s a 365 daily devotional with Bible verses for me to read so that by the time the year is over, I will have read the entire Bible. The more I read the more I get, God has really be speaking to me lately. Well, maybe He has been speaking to me all along, it is I have just opened my ears now and hear Him. Place your focus on Him and your life will change, I promise.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 13:02:17 +0000

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