March 6, 2014 A child is born, not in a hospital or even a home - TopicsExpress


March 6, 2014 A child is born, not in a hospital or even a home but in a barn where animals are kept. A very bright star shines high in the night sky and it seems to shine right down on this barn, almost right on that baby. Nearby, on a hillside, there are a number of shepherds with their sheep. They sit around their cook fires to eat, rest and just relax after a hard day. They can see this very bright star as well and comment about how it seems to be shining down on earth a very near piece away. As they are there talking among themselves Angels appear before them. The sudden appearance of the Angels frightened these simple shepherds, they sit there in total fear but the Angels tell them to not be afraid, that they had come to them to give them news that the child of God has been born. The Angels directed them in the way they should go and the shepherds went to worship the new born Lord. A number of years ago, around October 1996, I began to write a little simple poetry, I wrote a few as a high school student so I thought I would try again. Well, as time went on I would write a little here and there but never about anything even connected with God in any way, mostly they were in fun. Then one year, Christmas 1998, I was thinking about this very story of the shepherds and then I just set down and wrote it. I have shared it with many of you in the past but there are a lot of you that have not yet seen it, I will put it here now for you: The Shepherd’s View The darkness settles clear and bright, You can see a million stars in this night. A queer peacefulness covers all the earth, As if we are about to witness some great birth. The night sky fills with a wondrous sound, As if there is singing all around. Sheep lay down to rest from the day, The shepherds watch as some continue to play. One star, bigger and brighter than all the rest, Seem to cause all the sheep to act their best. Is something up that we don’t know? The air is quite still, the wind doesn’t blow. An image appears before my frightened eyes, The figure, bright and beautiful, fills the skies. A voice I hear, spoken directly toward me, Says, “Fear not and I shall tell you what is to be.” “Tonight, this very night, not very far from here, A child is born, he shall end all your fear.” “Go now and follow that star, You won’t have to go all that far, You will see what God has done, As he gives you His very on Son.” I followed that star as I was told, And there in a crib, a sight to behold. Why was I chosen to look upon his face? There are so many better people in this human race. I know that after all of this, I shall know nothing but heavenly bliss. Listen to me, hear what I say, Find this child, find Him today. Look upon the purity of man, That God has given through his plan. God’s own Son is born unto us this day, Let us drop to our knees and pray. This child shall lead us into perfect salvation, No more will man know of starvation. This child shall keep us safe and free, This is a gift from God for you and me. By: Bobby Gardner December 25, 1998 This is not much at all but I always wish to share such things as this with all of you. I, for one, have come to the reality that we need to put God back in our lives more than ever, we need to talk about Christ and the things of God as often as possible. As I read “Son of God” I am so very much drawn to God more and more. I have begun to study my Bible and read the devotions as best I can, I go to the ROC every morning to study, read and write, come join me, let’s talk about Christ and the things of God.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 12:59:43 +0000

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