March 7, 2014 You are standing in My door, so why do you think - TopicsExpress


March 7, 2014 You are standing in My door, so why do you think your dreams that I have placed within you shall be no more? Do you not realize that it is through you that I desire to now pour? As I brought you through the wilderness to change you and your ways, so I also have brought my people through the wilderness to try them too, and to also see who would truly believe in Me. I have begun your next phase of transformation. I am also transforming all of My People into a new workmanship. You will not remain as you currently are now, but you shall all transform even further into My Plans for you. I have taken you by the hard path to test you, to mature you, and to prepare you for this phase. This is why you are here today. You must allow Me to continue to adjust you, and to teach you anew. You must let go of what you think you know, and allow Me to fill you with an entirely new perspective and vision, for this is what is needed for the years ahead. You must fully embrace the new and mature in it, so that your generation can establish My Kingdom more fully in your day. My People were meant to set the Patterns of Heaven into the earth, and to govern them with My Kingdom rule through their lives on the earth, but you have not been able to do this fully, because of the maturity level of My Church. This will now be changed in your day, as I am bringing you all through into the place of deep transformation in this generation. Now begins the phase of the establishing of My Kingdom in you, and the first thing I want established among you is for you to become one. So for this to happen, I am forcing everything to the surface within that still hinders the cleaving of My People to one another. I will knit My People, My Body, together- My way! I will cause a fresh Revelation of Interdependence to begin to flow, so that you can become who you are meant to be. Everything that you attempt to do alone will fall apart, if I have determined that it be done corporately, so you must learn to discern My Will together to accomplish your purpose. My House is meant to be One Body, and I will have a People that will flow together in their spirits, that will flow together in their souls, and also will flow together in their walks. I am going to bring forth a truly remarkable transformation over the next 6 months that will astound you all. I am going to reveal to you a Place of Richness and of Fatness as you all begin to partake of each other in Me. My Rest will begin to unfold, and through the Position of My Rest, you all will cease from your striving, from your labors, and shall advance. You will begin to reveal My Glory in power, for it pours unhindered in My Place of Rest. You shall find rest in your spirits, rest in your souls, and also rest in your bodies, and as you learn to flow together with Me, I will strengthen you entirely! I shall heal you corporately, and also heal multitudes as you begin to move in true unity! Get ready for new challenges to your thinking, and also to your personal comforts, for I will move among you in ways that will demand mutual cooperation, and I am going to do unusual things among you, for My unhindered love to flow. A deep, deep flow of My Rest and My Glory will begin among you, and as I move, I want you each to begin to explore the depths of intimacy with Me corporately. I will knit you all closer within your spirits, and I will knit you closer within your souls, and I will even knit you harmoniously within your walks, in such a way that it will facilitate My greater works to break forth. Look, for I am creating something new among you, I am bringing forth a People that walk in true relation, and in a purer revelation, and with this People, I can be seen among the nations as I truly want to be revealed. Let go of the old ways, and let Me fashion you with the new, and as I do, I shall transform you through and through!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 14:37:01 +0000

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