Marching Orders for this Nation Do you want this country to live - TopicsExpress


Marching Orders for this Nation Do you want this country to live on in the near future? Then Read on. Over the past few days a mere 17% of this nation has been on shutdown because of a political impasse. Regardless of who is to blame, while it is not healthy for this nation, it was necessary so that ‘We the People’ could understand just how messed up things have become. Ultimately this is our fault because ‘We the People’ have been lax in the accountability department. As I am a businessman, I analyze situations all the time and am going to offer some recommendations. These recommendations will not happen unless all of you get behind this and tell DC (regardless of party) that they must do this. Assignment #1 The biggest problem we have is overspending and a looming insolvency that will ultimately spell the doom of this nation and the end to all safety nets, federal programs, as well as retirement benefits for those who are presently fighting. Some time ago, a Democrat President (Clinton) along with a Republican controlled House accomplished this feat. So, before anything else, this must be hammered out and accomplished before any other distractions as there will be another shutdown vote in short order. If this cannot be accomplished in a timely fashion, then we need to admit the inevitable and go about forming a replacement for the train wreck in DC and we all must make this crystal clear to our individual representatives. Assignment #2 If you are like me, you are tired of us being legislated to have to do things that our public servants exempt themselves from. This has a few things in it. First, to prove Obamacare is all it we have been led it to be, the only people to be registered for this for the time being will be all Federal Employees at the bronze level and only 50% reimbursement by ‘We the People’. Once these individuals vote it suitable for use, then and only then will it be mandated for ‘We the People’. As well, the legislature will work on figuring how to bring down the costs to us as well as getting around the Religious issues that have been raised. The other part of this is that new legislation will be proposed and passed whereby any future exemptions from any other Federal Legislation will require ratification by the States in exactly the same majority as amendments to our Constitution are required to have. This assures ‘We the People’ that sufficient thought has been given before such ratification. Assignment #3 This is something that must be passed as well. We have serious breaches of the law that are not being resolved and we demand closure on without further political games. The IRS in targeting the conservative voice in this country broke the law and now it is time for ALL those responsible to suffer the consequences. No sacrificial lambs are acceptable. The DOJ put all of us at risk via Fast and Furious and ALL those responsible must suffer the consequences (including but not limited to loss of any and all federal benefits). And then we come to Bengazi where our people, for whatever reason were allowed to be murdered. Again the guilty parties must suffer the consequences (including but not limited to full loss of federal benefits and censure from ever running for elected office again). My suggestion this time on this is to empower a committee of State Attorney Generals to oversee this in an impartial fashion and report back to ‘We the People’ on a website designed for these items on a periodic basis so absolute transparency is available to us. Along with this must be legislation such that if a certain number of State Attorney Generals feel investigations must be done, they have the right to petition and require them to happen. This will again break the federal deadlock by going back to the states from which we all feel more comfortable with and have more control over. Assignment #4 This one is almost as critical as the first one. For too long incumbents have held an unfair advantage over all of us (regardless of party). For there are many of you out there that will not vote across party lines this has infringed upon you ability to vote for someone you felt qualified to represent your party for an elected position. In future such elections when we go to select who will represent our party, we will be afforded the choice of ‘None of the Above’ and should ‘None of the Above’ win, a fresh slate must be offered. This is term limits done our way not their way. Assignment #5 While this one is fraught with many potholes, changing our ‘Immigration Processes’ must first start with securing our borders. National Security is not something either party has the right to play politics with. The Federal Government must first show us they are willing and capable of doing this legislated mandate. At one point ‘We the People’ were told this would be done in 7 years and that was not true. So to put things on their way to success, I suggest a proper wall be built. Rather than some ugly man made material, I suggest a different approach that is pleasing to the eye, eco friendly, but at the same time effective. At the heart of this wall will be technical monitoring that will assure the viability of the wall staying in place. The wall will be constructed of plants like cactus, pyracantha firethorn, rambling roses, and other such very thorny and impenetrable plants. The end product can be pretty (yet effective) and generate jobs and business at the same time. As for the actual legislative changes, I am going to bow out of that fight for the moment for I am trying to keep on task here with things that will once again help us all feel a little more confidence in those who govern and legislate.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Oct 2013 12:48:55 +0000

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