Marching for peace, unity and dignity in Somalia - TopicsExpress


Marching for peace, unity and dignity in Somalia The aim of this peace march is to raise awareness of the urgent need for the Somali people to be united in respect and dignity across all social groups, clans, genders and ages. Instead of constant conflict and division leading to discrimination and injustice, we call for the Somali people to come together to solve the many challenges that continue to cause suffering and desperation among Somalis in and outside of the Somali nation. In memory of the famous “I Have a Dream” speech of Martin Luther King, we have chosen the starting date to be the 28th of August 2014. The peace march will set out from the city of Saylac close to the border to Djibouti in the Northern part of Somalia. Heading first East to the cities of Hargeisa, Berbera, Burao, Las Anod and Garoowe, and then South towards Gaalkacyo, Beledweyne and Mogadishu, the walk will proceed through Kismaayo and finally end in Kaambooni near the border of Kenya. In total, the walk will cross about 2655 kilometers of Somalia. This route has been chosen partly since it crosses all areas of Somalia, partly since it follows the well-known “Chinese high-way”. It is estimated that the march will take about 100 days. Since the aim of the march is to highlight the need for peace and unity across all subgroups of Somalia, efforts will be taken to involve a wide and diverse group of Somalis – in Somalia as well as those living in diaspora in the West – in the planning of the march, and in the actual activity. Along the way, communities will be engaged, both on the ground in Somalia and online through daily updates on e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Somali channels and (if feasible) international broadcasting. This sort of nonviolent activity requires moral, logistical and financial support. We are therefore in a process of reaching out to potential partners – be it NGOs, media or individuals interested in adding to our campaign for a better future for the Somali people. We believe there has been a lack of international attention to the plight of the Somali people but also little interest in highlighting the many resources in terms of culture, nature, history and the resilient people that Somalia embraces. We hope that the activity will gain widespread support. In the meantime, we will be happy to provide any type of needed information and documentation if this is required. All inquiries, comments and suggestions are more than welcome! Please contact Dhehmar Ahmed Dhemar, tel (974) 55909649, email dansom2002@yahoo for more information.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 06:35:50 +0000

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