Marco Rubio press release bashes Breitbart for amnesty - TopicsExpress


Marco Rubio press release bashes Breitbart for amnesty info!!! Marco Rubio is one pissed off RINO. He angrily issued a press release bashing Breitbart for daring to reveal the FACTS about the RINO amnesty bill. Rubio in his press release, whined like a little girl about the ‘innaccurate information’ reported by Breitbart about the cost to tax payers. Even though reading the actual section of the bill that clearly states the $1.5 BILLION in stimulus for illegals, Rubio claims Breitbart is lying. RINO Rubio probably hasn’t even read the bill himself. Today, RINO Rubio and his office drafted a press release describing the Breitbart News story as a “myth.” Rubio’s office said in its press release that this overall new stimulus program “does not cost any taxpayer money.” “It is being funded directly by a new fee that foreigners will pay when they’re applying for visas,” Rubio’s office said in the release. “This program is being created because of concerns about American kids competing with foreign workers for low-skill jobs, so to protect them, foreign workers will pay for job training programs for American youth.” But according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), that is not true. “The bill would increase spending for a jobs program for youth that would be partly offset by new fees imposed on nonimmigrant visas, but only a small portion of those added costs would be offset in the first two decades,” the CBO said in its report on the matter on Monday. The rest of the $1.5 billion stimulus program that is not “partly offset by new fees” would be subsidized by U.S. taxpayers. The Rubio statement also says that “The language of the bill reads ‘supportive services, such as transportation and child care.’ The qualifier here is that they will be provided ‘services’ and not ‘goods.’ That means the program could provide a service, like a bus ride to a work site, but it cannot provide a car, scooter, motorcycle, or pair of rollerblades.” Have another drink of water, Marco...I hope you choke on it, you slimy RINO bastard.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 08:42:59 +0000

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