MariYah Ariyal Merola Beloved, Beware of those who teach the - TopicsExpress


MariYah Ariyal Merola Beloved, Beware of those who teach the damnable heresy of “Dual Covenant Theology” as taught by John Hagee, Modern-day Judaism & the Papacy in the Vatican. What is “Dual Covenant Theology?” Basically, in a nut-shell, it teaches that “born-again” believers in Yahuwshuwa Messiah are “Gentiles,” hence they are not allowed to obey the Towrah by keeping the Sabbath, the Feasts, use the true Hebrew name of our Creator etc. The punishment for this in the Talmud is decapitation! Dual Covenant Theology as taught by John Hagee & Pope Benedict XVI goes something like this: “Christians do not need to obey the Mosaic Law (Towrah) for they have the blood of Jesus to atone for their sins. But Jews do not need to accept Jesus as their savior, for they can be saved simply by obeying the Towrah (Mosaic Law).” Beloved, this comes from the Satanic “Noahide Laws” which state that any so-called “Gentile” (follower of Messiah) will be decapitated if they keep the true Sabbath, the Feasts and use his true name, YaHuWaH. The Noahide Laws are Satanic in Nature: “It is forbidden to read the glorious and terrible name as it is written, as the sages said “He that pronounces the name as it is written has no portion in the world to come.” Therefore it must be read as if it were written Adonai ” (Mishnah Berurah 5:2). This is hardly a modern innovation. It appears already in the early 3rd century CE in the Mishnah tractate of Sanhedrin: “The following have no portion in the world to come: Abba Saul says: one who pronounces the divine name as it is written” (Mishnah Sanhedrin 10:1). What are the Noahide Laws? Now I want to illustrate why the Anti-Messiah (Antichrist) will decapitate those who call upon the true name of our Creator: Chazown (Revelation) 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Yahuwshuwa, and for the word of Elohiym, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Mashiyach (Messiah) a thousand years. The Noahide Laws are based purely upon man-made traditions of Judaism and not upon scripture. Scripture is clear that the Towrah (Mosaic Law) is to be obeyed by both the “stranger” and the Yisraelite who is “natural-born:” Shemoth (Exodus) 12:49 One Towrah (law) shall be to him that is homeborn, and unto the stranger that sojourns among you. Wayyiqra (Leviticus) 24:22 You shall have one manner of Towrah (law), as well for the stranger, as for one of your own country: for I am YHWH Elohiym. Bemidbar (Numbers) 15:16 One Towrah (law) and one manner shall be for you, and for the stranger that sojourns with you. The Noahide Laws are growing in popularity. They have even reached the U. S. Congress: bewareofthenoahidelaws.followersofyah/ “The U.S. Congress officially recognized the Noahide Laws in legislation that was passed by both houses. Congress and the President of the U. S., George Bush, indicated in Public Law 102-14, 102nd Congress, that the United States of America was founded upon the Seven Universal Laws of Noah, and that these Laws have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization. They also acknowledged that the Seven Laws of Noah are the foundation upon which civilization stands and that recent weakening of these principles threaten the fabric of civilized society, and that justified preoccupation in educating the Citizens of the U.S. of America and future generations is needed. For this purpose, this Public Law designated March 26, 1991 as Education Day.” Sadly, this is not just for the state of Yisra’el (Israel) or even the United States, but for the whole world: “This obligation, to teach all the peoples of the earth about the Laws of Noah, is incumbent upon every individual in every era” -- (Mishnah Torah, Law of Kings 8:10). “Gentiles May Not Be Taught the Torah. Inasmuch as the Jews had their own distinct jurisdiction, it would have been unwise to reveal their laws to the Gentiles, for such knowledge might have operated against the Jews in their opponents’ courts. Hence, the Talmud prohibited the teaching to a Gentile of the Torah, the inheritance of the congregation of Jacob (Deuteronomy 33:4).” R. Johanan says of one such teaching: “Such a person deserves death” (an idiom used to express indignation). “It is like placing an obstacle before the blind” (Sanhedrin. 59a; ‘ag. 13a). “A Gentile observing the Sabbath deserves death” (Sanhedrin 58b)...….All Gentiles found keeping the 7th day Sabbath shall be found guilty of breaking the Noahide Law and must be punished to the fullest… Decapitation….No gentile shall be permitted to speak (Ha’shem) the name of YHWH, all who have blasphemy and are found guilty of breaking the Noahide Law and shall be punished to the fullest... Decapitation.” Now stop and ponder this prophecy: Chazown (Revelation) 14:12 Here is the patience of the qodesh ones (saints) here are they that keep the Commandments of Eloah and testimony of Yahuwshuwa. According to Judaism, if a person believes in Messiah Yahuwshuwa, they are considered a Gentile and not recognized as a Yahuwdiy (Jew) as taught by the Apostle Sha’uwl (Paul) in Romans 2:26-29. Therefore, to believe in the Messiah and to call upon the Heavenly Father’s name buys you a ticket to the guillotine!
Posted on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 01:18:00 +0000

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