Marie Harf Deputy Spokesperson Daily Press Briefing Washington, - TopicsExpress


Marie Harf Deputy Spokesperson Daily Press Briefing Washington, DC December 5, 2014 QUESTION: Okay. Two questions. The first one is about a terrorist attack from across the border where 11 security forces, including a lieutenant colonel has been killed just two days ahead of Indian prime minister’s visit. And as we know, the Indian prime minister’s party and he himself is very hawkish and no-nonsense kind. So this is going to erupt into some tensions, something. What is the U.S. – MS. HARF: Are you talking about the attack in Kashmir? QUESTION: Yes. MS. HARF: So obviously we’re concerned about any violence in Kashmir. Our policy on Kashmir hasn’t changed. We still believe that the pace and the scope and character of India and Pakistan’s dialogue on Kashmir is for those two countries to determine, of course. Our embassies in both places have raised these types of incidents with their respective host governments and certainly encouraged both to continue working together on the issue. QUESTION: Knowing the Pakistani army’s alleged hand behind – or the blessings on this terrorist, the Pakistani army chief was here and met the Secretary, and then he goes back and this happens. So what message the Secretary gave him? MS. HARF: Well, I think that you’re conflating a couple of things. Obviously, we know the Secretary and the army chief of staff had a very productive discussion on Sunday on a range of security-related issues, and again, we’re concerned about any violence in Kashmir, and I wouldn’t jump to conclusions here. But we have encouraged both countries to work together on this. QUESTION: When you say jumping to – you wouldn’t jump to conclusions, you mean about who might be behind this attack? MS. HARF: Mm-hmm. QUESTION: Is that – because you sound -- MS. HARF: Yeah. QUESTION: It sounded like you were accepting the premise of the question, that it was -- MS. HARF: No, I was saying – I actually was trying not to accept the premise of the question. Thank you. QUESTION: All right. You don’t know, in other words, if -- MS. HARF: Correct. QUESTION: -- there was any Pakistani involvement? MS. HARF: I wouldn’t assume anything.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 09:03:06 +0000

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