Mark 10:15: Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the - TopicsExpress


Mark 10:15: Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. (Luke 16:19-33-Matthew 24:35/Luke 21:33/John 18:36/Luke 23:42-43) [201501t1700-update] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *The Son means Man born by God ...... to a Woman born under the Law of Moses given by God of Israel [the Mighty Man is given/set by God/Spirit to the world WHO COME to the WORLD not to change the Law or the prophets but to fulfilled the Law and the Prophets {Galatians 4:4/Isaiah 9:6/Hebrews 2:7,9/Luke 1:25-35/Matthew 5:17/Mark 12:29-33/Isaiah 43:1,13/Luke 4:16-21} the Son/Mighty Man was Sent as a Lamb or the Way of SALVATION of the Word/Spirit of God/Lord our Father of LIFE to preach the GOSPEL of the Kingdom of HEAVEN to the World.... {Luke 4:16-21/Luke 3:22,23/Matthew 4:17/John 1:1-5,10-13} for the Baptism of Repentance by Water and Remission of Sins by the Spirit of God /Holy Ghost of the Lord by the authority of JESUS-because this is the Spirit of Jesus/Word of Jesus that give LIFE for every creatures (John 1:33/Matthew 4:4/Psalms 33:6/Job 33:4/John 11:25/John 6:35/John 7:38) ~ Son means NOT a MEMBER of TRINITY but the Holy One SPIRIT of the LORD, GOD of Israel WHO HUMBLE HIMSELF as a Holy Ghost/living soul of a MIGHTY MAN JESUS for the forgiveness of our sins after we are washed in the Baptism of Water for repentance [1 Cor 6:11] so as we can LIVE to a NEW LIFE until the promise of COMING OF THE LORD (Isaiah 43:10-15/Isaiah 42:1,5,8,13/Mat 12:18-33/John 1:1-5,10-13/John 11:25/John 6:35/John 1:33) (Matthew 26:28/Mark 14:24/Luke 22:20/Heb 9:15-17) WHO WANT TO REDEEM HIS PEOPLE by His OWN BLOOD of TESTAMENT (the Children of Abraham-Galatians 3:28) ... for God has NO SON IMAGE (Genesis 1:27; 5:1; 9:6/Genesis 2:7/Job 33:4/Psalms 33:6/Genesis 2:7/Isaiah 64:8/Isaiah 63:16/Hebrews 12:9/John 1:1-5/John 1:10-13/Isaiah 9:6/Luke 2:11/Isaiah 42:1,5,8,13/Luke 4:16-21/John 6:45/John 14:5-11/John 8:23,24,38-41,58/John 10:30-33)... JESUS is the WAY of the SPIRIT of the LORD of Abraham which they call FATHER of CREATION (Luke 4:16-21/John 8:58/II Cor 3:17,18/Matthew 12:18-33/Job 33:4/Genesis 2:1-7/Psalms 33:6/I Cor 3:17-18/Isaiah 64:8/Isaiah 63:16) and so therefore JESUS is not the IMAGE of the SON but image of MAN with a GLORY of GOD our FATHER (Philippians 2:9-11/John 14:5-11/John 6:45/Matthew 4:1-11/John 10:30-33))... Jesus is Man from Heaven the WAY of the Spirit of the LORD, the creator of Life and new Life everlasting for the Mortal Man on Earth . (Matthew 3:3/Isaiah 42:1,13/John 8:23,24,58/1 Cor 15:47/John 1:1-5,10-13/John 11:25) Jesus is not the WAY of the SON, He has no glory of the name of the Son (Matthew 4:1-11) He must be glorified in the name of the Lord God our Father (Philippians 2:9-11/Mark 12:29) BECAUSE HE IS THE WAY and TRUE LIKENESS of the IMAGE OF MAN of our HEAVENLY FATHER who humble than us LIKE a child of GOD like them (John 14:5-11/John 6:45/John 10:30-33) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Matthew 18:3-5 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Romans 14:8: For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lords. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Romans 14:9: For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Romans 14:10: But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Romans 14:11: For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Romans 14:12: So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 Peter 3:9-15:: Heaven shall pass with great noise, the Earth shall be burned up. Element will be melted with fervent HEAT, upon coming of the Lord. The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is Long suffering toward us {for SALVATION}, not willing, that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance for a promise of New Heavens and a Earth wherein dwellth RIGHTEOUSNESS.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 13:42:38 +0000

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