Mark 10:43–45 …whoever wishes to become great among you shall - TopicsExpress


Mark 10:43–45 …whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many. Prayer Father, it is far too easy to see there is a great darkness in the world today. At the same time however anyone with eyes to see – will find You moving in dramatic ways. It is also clear that You desire to use us - regardless of our own positions or stature in this world. I am asking You today to help us understand that “All authority has been given to Me (You) in heaven and on earth.” Help us to understand that our authority does not come from our own positions or titles - or even the opinions of others about us. It comes from a living relationship with You – the one who has all the authority we will ever need to be Your ambassadors in this world. Thankfully, we can access You and Your authority every single day. Help us to do this in faith. Do not let our hearts be hardened so we miss out on what You are showing us. Wherever You see bitterness, confusion, selfishness, etc. leading us to accept counterfeits instead of Your truths, I ask You to intervene and destroy the enemy at his own game before he can gain ground in our heart. I believe that with You all things are possible. Help strengthen our relationship with You, who alone has the authority to send us out into this world as “lights” into the darkness. We must become servant-hearted. You came to serve and to seek and to save the lost – and so should we! You are our example of humility and self- sacrifice. We can follow Your lead – trust You as our intercessor - and move into the very best You have prepared for us! We want to multiply what Your servant hood model showed us. Make us pure and clean. Forgive us of anything that has held us captive to selfishness. We desire to produce the true fruit of service in our lives and ministries. Remind us when we need it that You gave Your life as a ransom for many – so we can stand strong! You have made it possible for us to live miraculous lives. The counterfeits set against us can be destroyed when we lay aside anything that is produced in our strength. May we never be concerned with our own position and status - but rather be focused only on Your kingdom needs. Thank you Jesus that You love us as You do. We choose to draw our strength from that love. To You be all the honor and the glory. Devotional Idea We must try to remember that Jesus has been given all authority in heaven and on earth. He desires to use you and me - as we learn to walk in His true authority. There are so many counterfeits all around us, and we need His help to discern them. He is moving in dramatic ways in these days, and as His ambassadors in this world we can be used by Him to produce great fruit that will last - for His kingdom needs. We must lay down our own selfishness, conceit, pride of place issues, etc. and instead wait on Him to use us as He desires. If we are simply attempting to work in our own strength, we will, at best, only go so far. But if we wait on Him – who prays for us day and night – we can live miraculous lives being used by Him to break down counterfeits and “spread His truth to the lost and the least of these.” His spiritual authority is as real as it gets – don’t miss out by trusting in the things of man to get you through your life. Count on His true spiritual authority! Please journal!
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 10:02:55 +0000

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