Mark, Earlier this month, in the face of fierce community - TopicsExpress


Mark, Earlier this month, in the face of fierce community opposition, Tony Abbott finally backed down on his ideological attacks to weaken Australia’s racial discrimination laws. The community stood up and made it clear to Tony Abbott that Australians don’t stand for racial discrimination in any shape or form. It shows how much community action can do. Unfortunately, Kevin Andrews and the Coalition Government haven’t yet had a change of heart when it comes to abolishing the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission. This Commission provides advice and assistance to charities and not-for-profits to ensure they run as effectively as possible. They help the work of these important organisations who are at the heart of our communities. With almost 5 million Australians volunteering, you and I know the hard work charities and not-for-profits like the RSPCA and the Australian Conservation Foundation do. We need to do anything to ensure they can run as effectively as possible, spending more time on their goals and less time on government red tape. The Liberals were forced to back down on the Racial Discrimination Act, now it’s time to get them to do it again - can you sign our petition and tell him that Australians don’t support abolishing the ACNC? We know that Kevin Andrews has stopped listening to the charities sector. The sector overwhelmingly supports the work of the charities commission and 80 per cent of charities’ submissions to the recent senate inquiry in favour of keeping the charities commission. However, the Abbott Government and Kevin Andrews still want to abolish the charities commission and make it harder for organisations to do the work that means most to the community. Your name is the only donation these charities need right now, can you give them that and help stop these unfair changes? Click here to sign our petition and help stand against these unfair changes. Thanks, Andrew Leigh Shadow Assistant Treasurer Opposition Spokesperson for the Charities Commission Australian Labor Party Authorised by G. Wright, Australian Labor, 5/9 Sydney Avenue, Barton 2600 ACT Unsubscribe
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 07:56:20 +0000

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