Mark (Markiplier) Promo Mark Vs The Eternal Darkness Horror - TopicsExpress


Mark (Markiplier) Promo Mark Vs The Eternal Darkness Horror Creepypasta . By Martin Wilson on Sunday, 9 February 2014 at 10:17 The Year is 3025 Humanity has evolved some much as well found some interesting alien worlds that totally surprise the human Race in a terrible way that very soon a lot of spaceships stopped showing up to they destination Planet. So The Earth united decided to make a violent reaction to this by sending Battle cruisers to location those ships that never made it Home. This is where we find our main Hero Some call him Mark others call him Mad Max as a Joke because he was locked out of the ship as a joke to teach him to not loose his Engineering Keys Again. Mark reacted by pacing up and down the space dock Screaming out at the top of His lungs WHERES THE BLACK SMITH repeatedly until he got bored and found a nearby Fire axe and started hacking away at locked door with a Murders Grin and Laughing now and then. The crew inside were Leaving Bricks inside the cruiser they didnt know what to do until a Security Guard that was pacing by with his coffee heard the madness that was going on and ended the chaos by tapping Mark on the shoulder and tasered him. Mark was put in cryosleep for 10 years until the battle cruiser has found the ship that they were order to find that was a civilian Ship called Dream maker that carry Over 10 thousand pounds of materials. The years past quick for Mark and when He finally awakened from his Tasered defined sleep Mark was thrown out of his Cryobed by the bed itself the Generals of Earth got sick of marines spending hours to wake up so they made a quicker way. But for Mark it was like a super kick to the groin with 10 year jet lag when he finally stopped screaming and rolling on the floor He noticed the wake up alarm wasnt going off. As Mark looked around slowly because of feeling super drunk He saw Nothing but DARKNESS.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 10:45:08 +0000

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