Mark Murphy, my good friend, inspired me, without his knowledge, - TopicsExpress


Mark Murphy, my good friend, inspired me, without his knowledge, to create a guess of two experiences I had and one which never happened. I hope you will find the time to guess the false one. 1. Many years ago, I went to Aspen, Colorado and in route, while tooling around in Aspen, I went into a local brew pub in an early afternoon. While nursing a beer, I had a note pad writing about how I was feeling and making notes of a sweet woman I had just met back East. The bar was empty and much to my surprise, John Denver walked in and sat one stool away from me. I remember him glancing at me from the bar mirror reflection and into my eyes before he pulled up a stool. The bartender was all over him and that seemed to annoy John. He actually asked what the specials were. I surmised he wished to be treated as a regular guy. Hats or heads off to him. I do love many of his songs. 2. When I was in graduate school in Brooklyn, I went shopping at a Barnes & Noble in Manhatten. From around one corner, i thought I recognized a movie star. My first reaction was that this guy was way too small. It was, however, Richard Gere. Man he was short. At 56 i almost towered over him. i ma 59 on a moist day. I did approach him but I was way too star struck to strike up a conversation with him. I think I said the common, Hows it Going to him and i then swiftly exited the store. i later learned that he had been a graduate of our local UMass. I also ran in to him about a week later and he actually recognized me and was very friendly. It was a be beautiful and sunny day in NYC. 3. From local construction work I performed in the valley, I met many people. Most of my work was exclusive in Northamton. After much success in our valley, I hooked up with a beautiful and very intelligent woman who worked for a high end womens clothing store. she was JP Morgans granddaughter. She had to bonk me on the head to figure out she wanted for me to ask her out. I did and that was at Spoletos and then we walked to her apartment and…. Later, she abused me and let go of me in a most cruel and criminal manner. I often think that is how a Morgan thinks. Sociopaths with little or no care about who they run over and crush physically and in spirit. I think of Elizabeth Morgan everyday. I think she has a top notch job in Philadelphia but I dought she is truly happy.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Mar 2014 04:31:56 +0000

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