Mark Stephens at Yogaspace Jun 18, 2014 - Jun 22, 2014 - TopicsExpress


Mark Stephens at Yogaspace Jun 18, 2014 - Jun 22, 2014 Esteemed Yoga Teacher, Mark Stephens is a Yoga Master who has trained close to 2000 teachers. His books Teaching Yoga and Yoga Sequencing are international bestsellers. His newly released book, Yoga Adjustments, is receiving advance praise from reviewers. Practicing for 23 years and teaching for 17, Mark draws from a deep background in Ashtanga Vinyasa, Iyengar, Vinyasa Flow, tantra, yoga anatomy, bio-mechanics and yoga philosophy to weave together classes and workshops that are all about making yoga more accessible, sustainable and deeply transformational. Founder of Yoga Inside Foundation, L.A. Yoga Center, and the recipient of Yoga Journal’s first annual Karma Yoga Award in 2000, he lives and teaches in Santa Cruz, CA. Website: markstephensyoga FULL PROGRAM Wednesday June 18 – Sunday June 22 30 hours: $500 All four workshops are designed for those on the teaching path as well as serious students interested in developing a deeper understanding of how to make the practice more accessible, sustainable, and thereby more deeply transformational. Combining interactive lecture, discussion and practical sessions, these workshops will help you refine your practice on the mat and give you more refined skill and insight in creating and teaching amazing yoga classes. INDIVIDUAL WORKSHOPS The Art and Science of Sequencing Wednesday, June 18 and Thursday, June 19 Morning sessions: 9am – 12pm Afternoon sessions: 2pm – 5pm 12 hours: $200 This workshop builds on prior training and experience with asana and pranayama practices to explore designing complete classes that are informed, effective, efficient, beautiful and integrated. The basic question we ask is, “why this before that?” Rather than random or excessively creative sequencing, this workshop is based on how the body works and how to make the practice of asanas as safe, accessible, yet deep as possible. Applies and expands prior learning about functional anatomy and other elements of the practice to understanding the interrelations of asanas within and between families of postures. Seeing, Understanding & Guiding with Hands-on Cues Friday, June 20 and Saturday, June 21 Morning sessions: 9am – 12pm Afternoon sessions: 2pm – 5pm 12 hours: $200 Skillful, sensitive, appropriate touch and verbal cues have the potential to transport students to a more conscious awareness and self-refinement in their yoga practice. But before we touch and speak we must first see and understand the unique qualities present in an individual student’s practice. In this workshop, we further develop postural observation skills; learn and practice effective hands-on adjustments that both address common misalignments and encourage inner guidance in a variety of poses; enhance the skill of linking clear verbal cues with tactile cues; and deepen confidence in the practice of giving and receiving as participants learn to better help students find joy and ease amidst the challenges in their practice. Breaking Down the Sun Salutations Sunday, June 22: 9am – 12pm 3 hours: $50 The Sun Salutations can get pretty sloppy when we flow through them without being attentive to key alignment principles and energetic actions. Here we will look closely at each of the 12 asanas in Classical Surya Namaskara and Surya Namaskara A & B, exploring their various alignment and energetic qualities how the transitions between them can be approached to make them simpler, deeper and more sustainable. Open to students and teachers. Core Awakening & Arm Balancing Sunday, June 22: 2pm – 5pm 3 hours: $50 Applying the basic principles of sequencing to arm balances, this 2-hour intensive practice will offer a model approach to integrating a variety of arm balances in flow-style classes. We will play with Crane (Bakasana), Side Crane (Parsva Bakasana), Scissored Pose (Eka Pada Koundinyasana A & B), Flying Crow (Galavasana), Eight Angles (Astavakrasana), Flying Lizard (Uttana Prasithasana) and Upward Rooster (Urdhva Kukkutasana). Open to intermediate-to-advanced students and teachers. 148 Ossington Avenue Toronto 416-516-9940 [email protected]
Posted on: Wed, 07 May 2014 15:34:13 +0000

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