Mark of the Beast, Happening Now No matter who you meet, if you - TopicsExpress


Mark of the Beast, Happening Now No matter who you meet, if you say, “666,” all of the sudden, they know what you are talking about. There is coming a time when every person will have to receive a mark or a number, without which you will not be able to fly in a commercial aircraft, enter a federal building, drive a car, open a bank account, receive health care, or hold a job. The technology is already in place. It is happening right now. Individual Economic Sanctions Economic, political, and religious conformity can now be enforced with technology which is already available. Just as the UN pressures “rogue states” into conforming through economic sanctions, a one-world political system, a one-world economy, and a one-world religion will also be enforced through individual economic sanctions. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Revelation 13:16-17) Cashless Society The Cashless Society is almost here. “If the cashless society is ushered in,” writes Patrick Henningsen of Global Research, “they have near complete control over the lives of individual people.” With the arrival of the Cashless Society, Satan will counterfeit true worship when the False Prophet, under penalty of death, requires everyone to worship the “Beast,” the Antichrist. Mankind will be required to surrender all, including all financial transactions. In a cashless society, no one will be in jail for bank robbery because there will be nothing to steal. Also, a cashless society is very attractive to the IRS, because, if the government has records of everything you do, it will be able to withdraw taxes from your income before you have a chance to spend it. Will You Take the Mark? Revelation chapter 14 tells us that whoever receives the mark of the Beast, “shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God.” The mark is a permanent designation of ownership applied to your forehead or right hand. Anyone who takes the mark will be eternally lost. It is the mark of eternal destruction. In the digital age to come, the enforcement of financial obligations will not be difficult because failure to pay up could be disastrous. Your account could be cut off, making you a non-person for not paying your bills, for refusing to join the global financial system. What Will the “Mark of the Beast” Be Like? You cannot get the Mark of the Beast accidentally. You will have to make a conscious choice to receive it. You will have to mean it. The Future Attribute Screening Technology Mobile Module enables the Department of Homeland Security to collect video images, audio recordings and psychophysiological measurements to get into the minds of potential terrorists, with the ability to detect the “intent to do harm.” But why wouldn’t you consciously take the mark? After all, you will be pledging your allegiance, dedicating your whole life to the most attractive, charismatic dictator the world has ever known. The False Prophet will make worship of the beast almost irresistible. You will be promised protection, eternal life, peace and prosperity, if you worship the being who claims to be God, and receive his special mark. People will line up to get it. They will be allowed to buy food, water, medicine and clothes. They will feel honored to get it. Most other people will be getting the mark. Will you want to stand out as one of the few holdouts? Taking the mark will seem like the logical, intelligent, patriotic thing to do. Precursors to the Mark The REAL ID Act requires that Americans produce compliant driver’s licenses, as approved federal identification, upon demand. It coerces states into building a national multi-billion dollar system for identifying tracking, and controlling law-abiding citizens. Many states have refused to comply because it is an expensive, unfunded federal mandate and a massive invasion of privacy. Although it has repeatedly postponed implementation penalties, the Department of Homeland Security has announced a gradual rollout for enforcing the REAL ID law, beginning in April, 2014. The Affordable Care Act, often referred to as “Obamacare,” implements a national ID system disguised within a “data hub,” and a “unique patient identifier” to verify eligibility for health services. Also making its way through Congress, as part of an immigration reform bill, is “E-Verify,” a nationally mandated universal biometric ID, which will be required for federal approval for employment. Concurrently under consideration are similar initiatives to implement enhanced driver’s licenses, enhanced social security cards, and biometric and DNA identification databases. Mark of the Beast Needed to Buy or Sell According to Revelation 13:15-18, every person will be forced to have a number, without which they will be unable to buy or sell. If you want to have a job, you must have a valid, government recognized ID, and be in the global database. No job? No buying or selling. When this system is activated worldwide, the mechanism will be in place for implementation of the Mark of the Beast that was prophesied 2,000 years ago. An Absolute Certainty It is very important that all of us understand that the Mark of the Beast is not a possibility, it is an absolute certainty. You and I are going to face it. Make sure your name is in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 18:29:22 +0000

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