Marmot/Groundhog - wisdom, heightened awareness, boundaries By - TopicsExpress


Marmot/Groundhog - wisdom, heightened awareness, boundaries By Vickie Graff If anyone knows how to enjoy the sun and knows how to truly relax its a Marmot person. Marmot carries the knowledge of above and below in the power of directions, he understands when its time to be diligent at his work and when its time for a good nap. He brings the medicine of deep meditations and deep sleep. He tells us it is time to go deep and to study harder. He is the master of knowledge and loves to learn. So take your studies deep and understand that work has its flip side, rest. So to be good and diligent at work, at your study, dive deep into learning or any passion or creativity your drawn too and then rest, a good deep rest is required when your diving into life. Marmot also brings us our voice and you will find it easier to expression your opinion when Marmot comes calling, for you will never find a Marmot person with his totem afraid to speak up. Setting boundaries is another point Marmot makes. He comes to warn us of encroaching boundaries. Are we getting close to overstepping ourselves, or is someone overstepping their boundaries with us. Heighten your awareness and understand your place in the scheme of things. Respecting ones home and personal space is important now. To those that would overstep, they might need a reminder of your boundaries, do so with a thoughtful word or a quiet gesture, unless a stronger voice is needed. Then do so with respect of the other person space. Also turn a internal eye on yourself and make sure your not overstepping yourself. Preparing for winter and stocking up is also one of the reminders Marmot brings. He prepares well for the coming cold and so should you. It is time to understand the need to be ready and prepared for the long shadow is coming and all who are smart, strong, and wise will utilize their time and be prepared. We each have our season to be prepared for, and we each have our time to be akin to. Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall, each has a deep knowledge to impart. In this the passing of seasons, Marmots knowledge is needed and the path needs to be clear, your tunnel (home) readied for the coming change and your pantry stocked and supplies made ready. Marmot is also always ready for a good nap in the sun and with the Sun shortening its days, maybe this weekend would be a good time to bask a little in the sunshine and let your mind seek the dreamtime or meditation, for a Marmot person is adept at sleeping deeply, taking dreams to another level and taking meditations and internal self healing to depths never taken before. So plan your steps, set your boundaries, prepare your home, build your knowledge and set sometime for relaxing and sunbathing, these last long days of summer. Note: remember Marmot is from the rodent family and thus nitpicking and selfishness and overthinking things are the negatives always with any rodent medicine.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 15:26:42 +0000

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