Maro: stampa, Nia presenta accusa che prevede pena - TopicsExpress


Maro: stampa, Nia presenta accusa che prevede pena morte (ANSA) - NEW DELHI, 28 NOV - La polizia indiana Nia ha presentato un rapporto in cui accusa i maro in base a una legge che prevede la pena di morte. Lo scrive The Hindustan Times. Secondo il giornale, gli investigatori avrebbero presentato lunedi al ministero degli Interni un rapporto in cui si chiede di perseguire i due militari in base al Sua Act che reprime la pirateria marittima con la pena di morte nonostante le ripetute richieste pressanti del ministero degli Esteri di trattare il caso con capi di imputazione che prevedono pene piu lievi. BREVE COMMENTO SUI TORTUOSI SVILUPPI DELLA VICENDA MARO 28 Novembre 2013 La guerra allinterno del governo indiano continua in vista delle conclusioni ufficiali delle indagini della NIA, come dimostra questo articolo apparso (e praticamente subito scomparso) sulla pagina web dell Hindustan Times. Ovviamente non si tratta di nulla di ufficiale, ma del solito gioco sporco condotto attraverso veline passate ai giornali che quella banda di politici criminali indiani da noi individuata e più volte esposta continua a portare avanti. Poichè come più volte spiegato, al caso dei marò sono ormai legate le carriere politiche di potenti politici indiani (in primo luogo il ministro della difesa AK Antony), è quanto mai essenziale che il nostro governo faccia presente, prima della conclusioni ufficiali delle indagini, che dopo quasi due anni lItalia è pronta a pulire i panni sporchi della politica indiana davanti agli occhi del mondo senza alcuna reticenza! Napolitano, SVEGLIA! Letta, SVEGLIA! Bonino, SVEGLIA! Mauro, SVEGLIA! De Mistura, SVEGLIA! Se i nostri uomini sono sequestrati in India voi dovete giocare secondo le regole del posto (anche se sono sporche) e non secondo quelle vigenti nei vostri decadenti salotti occidentali! Copio di seguito a commento dellarticolo. E ovviamente in inglese, ma immagino che chi siede al nostro governo si faccia aiutare a tradurlo..... Queste informazioni, ormai da noi pubblicate da tempo, avrebbero dovuto essere fatte presenti a muso duro a tutte le autorità indiane. E stato fatto? Commento allarticolo dellHindustan Times: I hope Indians will start reading through the lines of this case sooner rather than later. They have been fooled by their government now for longer than 21 months. The entire case was fabricated by Chandy to win last years local elections in Kerala with the backing of his long-time friend and accomplice A.K. Antony. In this way, they managed to retain their power base even if at the cost of kidnapping two innocent men (the Italian marines), manipulating the local democratic process, hijacking Indian foreign policy and destroying Indias reputation as a country of law. Here are some of the main proofs showing that this case is a huge scam and conspiracy: 1) The interview given by Freddy Bosco (the fishing boat owner) immediately after getting to shore. He clearly states (twice) that the incident of the fishing boat in which two fishermen were killed happened at 9.30 p.m.. The Enrica Lexie repulsed the pirate attack at 4 p.m.. so more than 5 hours earlier. In the Kerala police investigation Freddy Bosco declares a different time, a different location and a different dynamic of the incident compared to what he had stated in his first interview (when he had not yet been briefed by Chandy and the Kerala police). 2) The official report made by the Greek ship Olympic Flair to the International Maritime Organization in which the Greek ship reports a pirate attack by TWO boats (which most likely are a real pirate boat and the fishermens boat caught in the crossfire) suffered in the same evening of February 15, 2012 off the coast of Kerala. That report had been locked in some drawer of the Indian Coast Guard and the incident of the Greek ship denied for a long time by the ICG. Why? 3) The document by which the Indian Coast Guard asked the Enrica Lexie to return to the port of Kochi. It was sent at 9.36 p.m. Thereforethe reconstrution of the events as made by the ICG (starting at 7 p.m.) are pure fiction. Lies. lies, lies, like in the case of the fake Keran operation! 4) The ballistic test never official disclosed, but widely leaked to the press. Such test has been fabricated by the Kerala police ignoring that the bullets found in the bodies of the fishermen killed by the first post-mortem examination carried out by dr. Sasikala did not match the bullets used by Italian soldiers. Who could take responsibility for such huge and coordinated manipulations unless somebody from the very top (Chandy for the Kerala police and Antony for the ICG) had ordered it? The Indian fishing boat was trapped between the Greek ship Olympic Flair and a pirate boat which had assaulted her at 9.30 p.m. and the two Indian fishermen were killed in the subsequent exchange of fire. The Greek ship sailed way and Indian authorities decided it was convenient to fabricate a case against two innocent Italian marines who were aboard a ship which, unaware of any wrongdoing, had promptly accepted a request of cooperation by the Indian Coast Guard. I know that all this is hard to digest all at once after reading and listening to lies for more than 21 months, but its the pure truth, its due to come out during the trial and it will shame India internationally like never before. All this to save the political career of two criminals like Chandy and AK Antony. India deserves better than this! The time is long overdue to give back freedom and dignity to the two innocent Italian soldiers!
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 13:38:33 +0000

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