Marriage, McCain, and the Mountain At the moment, there are - TopicsExpress


Marriage, McCain, and the Mountain At the moment, there are currently 20,000 Yazidis still trapped on the mountain and unable to come down--due to being surrounded by ISIS, where Syrian and Kurdish pesh merga are trying to fend them off. On top of all of the danger still stemming from the fighting, air drops have further more been unsuccessful with reaching Yazidis who are dying from thirst, weakness, and dehydration; less than 10% of humanitarian air drops have been successful--not only because of all of the fighting all around the mountain, but logistically are not even being dropped anywhere near the mountain--but instead, dropped on a landing platform of a former U.S. military base, outside of the mountain. 500 Yazidis have already been executed beheading-style, while young women and children are being kidnapped to serve as Jihadist brides for ISIS fighters. And President Obama calls this potential genocide of a certain religious sect that does not fit with within their extremist Islamic values and principles of subverting back to a Sharia form of law? This is none other than a form of ethnic cleansing, where the anemic, dysfunctional Obama Administration is just going to let it unravel and turn into another Bosnia. With this take no prisoners type of attitude, it boils down to convert or be killed in the eyes of ISIS. Although I have never been a big fan of John McCain, it would be wise for President Obama to listen to a highly decorated veteran of war, a highly experienced naval fighter pilot who obviously knows what hes talking about when it comes to combat [Silver Star; 2 Legion of Merits; Distinguished Flying Cross; 3 Bronze Stars; Purple Heart; Air Medal; Navy Commendation Medal]--after coming under the heavy fire of 15 surface-to-air (SAM) anti-aircraft missiles while still successfully completing his bombing mission, before fatefully being shot down and taken prisoner in Hanoi. His idea to insert combat air controllers on the mountain would help with the humanitarian situation, by allowing the Yazidis to then be able to descend, in order to receive aid--while members of the combat control (CCT) can further stabilize the situation, by fending off ISIS and providing security. President Obamas foreign policy passivity, is similar to an individual who knows that they need to get a divorce, but will just wait until the other person files. (Although I have never been married, this is just an observation.) Hes going to wait until Russia invades Ukraine before literally doing anything; hes also going to wait until AFTER thousands of people die instead of trying to prevent a human catastrophe, genocide, from happening--or will he still even? Lets not forget about Syria, where Bashar al-Assad is currently in the process of slaughtering a certain sect of his own people, nearing 200,000 and counting...
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 20:35:20 +0000

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