Marriage has always seemed like the dream for me. Something that - TopicsExpress


Marriage has always seemed like the dream for me. Something that represented such togetherness between two beings. Ive wanted that title to call my own so I know when I go home at night that there would be that man who would love and adore me for everything because I would be his wife. And I would do those wife duties the best way he liked. I would mother the children children we shared. But I kicked that idea so hard in the tail the older I got. Being hurt from every possible male that I could have seen myself have a ring put on by. HA. Marriage is not a joke to me but it is no diamond. It is that union between two souls who are so unperfect from their past, in the shoes they are living and the future that they know could not amount to perfection. But boy is marriage a trial. I have never been married but I do know certain things that I would a hundred percent live by in those days. You need to know that your best way to unlock that title to share is communication. Once communication dies all ties will be loosened leaving demons to slip in the cracks. Understanding is something that needs to be seen from all angles. You cant just say you understand and walk away but I feel you must put yourself in every possible seat before you say you understand. You need to understand that your other half is not and will not be perfect under anyones eyes. But may be perfect for the love that you need. Understand that you will not always be right even when you desire yourself to be the righteous one. Understanding the time can heal but it wont be a walk in the park. Understand that you can not just up and walk away from all boulders that seems to be falling from your foundation. You need to be right there with the one who will be your other half holding those pieces before they just hit the ground without Even an attempt to understand. Another thing I must honor while I will be married if that day will come is trust. If I cant trust my self why would I place such a responsibility on someone I love to do for me. You must trust yourself and your partner before you trust into a marriage. You have to trust that your commitment is not only for the love making that partake within a marriage but it also means to be able to trust your partner in everything that they believe they can do. Trust them when they want to do something for themselves or your or those round them that they are thinking of the most positive outcome. Trust that your honesty and their honesty are as one. This might sound a little wrong that I only have four things that I want to concentrate on in my own marriage. But if you make it about to many rules you make it what its not. And what it Is not is a contract. It is is a binding ceremony in which two want to become one. But on to my last need for in my marriage and that is love. Love is of course what marriage will derive from. But I want to be able to love my partner for everything he is and everything he is not. For his wrongs in the past that hes corrected or used to his advantage and I want to be able to love his differences from me that can open my eyes to another view to see the world which life is about. Being able to see all that those live. And I just hope that love from him for me would be the same.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 02:52:40 +0000

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