Marriage is not just the fancy ceremony, expensive shopping and a - TopicsExpress


Marriage is not just the fancy ceremony, expensive shopping and a general loudness of celebration. How much of attention is given to building awareness and character, for developing maturity in building and maintaining relationships not just between two individuals, but two families? How much of thought goes into understanding what marriage means to each person and how they will map out a mutually workable way forward? As a society, we are at a point where we seem to make a big deal out of public displays of a singular event while neglecting the ramification of such execution. Its one thing to spend money you have, but to borrow debilitating amounts that are several times the annual income of the entire family, just to maintain tradition or social face is something that affects the well-being of the entire family for a long time to come. This must surely play a significant factor in female infanticide and discrimination. In trying to keep up with the Jones, we are only perpetuating the perception of having a girl child as a burden, capable of bringing financial ruin to the family. What will it take for us to make conscious choices instead of blindly following societal norms?? Only when more of us make this shift can we hope to change things in the collective. My hopes are set on critical mass. Because without that, we all seem to be happy to pretend we either live in isolated towers immune to the larger whole, or victims resigned to suffering the collective state.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 08:42:33 +0000

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