Marriage of Muslim Girls Our blessed Prophet ‘sall-Allâhu - TopicsExpress


Marriage of Muslim Girls Our blessed Prophet ‘sall-Allâhu ta’âlâ ‘alaihi wa sallam’ stated: “If a person gives his daughter (in marriage) to a fâsiq [evil, wicked] person, he will have committed a breach of trust. Hell is the destination for people guilty o breach of trust.” He stated in another hadîth-i-sherîf: “A person who gives his daughter to a fâsiq person is an accursed one.” A hadîth-i-sherîf quoted in the commentary to Shir’at-ul-islâm reads: “Let a person who wants to be blessed with my shafâ’at (intercession) not give his daughter to a fâsiq person.” Another hadîth-i-sherîf, which is quoted in the chapter admonishing against delaying one’s daily prayers of namâz in the book entitiled Eshi’at-ul-leme’ât reads: “Yâ Alî! Do not delay three things! Perform a namâz within its early time! If a janâza is ready for burial perform the namâz of janâz immediately! When a suitable man wants to marry your daughter, widowed or virginal, see to it that the marriage be performed immediately!” By ‘suitable (kufw is the original word used)’, the blessed Messenger of Allah means a ‘Muslim who regularly performs his daily prayers of namâz, avoids sinning, and earns his living by way of halâl’. A Muslim should espouse his daughter to a sâlih Muslim. He should look for a son-in-law who is rich, not in property and position, but in religious and moral values. If a Muslim gives his daughter to a disbeliever in marriage, both he himself and his daughter will become disbelievers. Men who know and their religion, Islam, will observe Islam in all their acts and manners, thus becoming useful and auspicious both for themselves and their family, kith and kin, and all the other creatures. To this end, a person who loves his daughter and wants her to be happy both in the world and in the Hereafter should not let her go out without properly covering herself and prevent her from listening to and watching radio and television programs with a deleterious effect on her moral conduct and from going to the movies and joining social groups that will spoil her character.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 20:06:17 +0000

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