Mars-in-Scorpio2014 Finally! Mars is moving on… After all, - TopicsExpress


Mars-in-Scorpio2014 Finally! Mars is moving on… After all, he has been sailing through the Sign of Libra now for over 7 months. When you consider that on average Mars is in a sign for about 40 days or so, being in one sign for 230 days is significant. He entered Libra in early December, went retrograde on March 1st, then turned direct on May 19th, and is finally exiting Libra today. You might have hoped for, or believed that having your Avatar of Desire circling and cycling through the sign that rules Relationship, Harmony, Justice and Equality, that this would have modulated, mitigated and healed many relationships in the world, (and certainly many did benefit from this Prime Mover providing the requisite surge of Energy-Forms to go beyond fear-formed walls, and so it did help partners and/or groups to re-establish or re-assert a greater balance within their relationships). But all of these energies that course through and around you, that come from within you as much as they surround you, these energies, well they are just energies…They elicit and stimulate whomever and whatever they encounter…and what matters, always for you, is the level of awareness with which you Create or Receive or Release these Energy-Forms into your world. So yes, for more healthy relationships and more evolved beings, the effects of Mars in Libra would have proved uplifting and healing, as it can and should be. For those less able to respond to the energies in such a manner, or if perhaps only one half of the relationship could or would, well things certainly could have taken a more disruptive course…For Mars is Passion, Mars is Desire…and Desire denied often turns to Hurt…and those hurts often lead to Anger…and that Anger, being a mal-formed Energy-Form, that will lead to self-hurt or Violence towards some other. But these results, the Good and the Bad, this is not the fault of Mars, for as the Bard wisely put it in his play “Julius Caesar”, when Cassius tell Brutus: The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings. The Path you seek to walk is the Pathway of Understanding, the Noble Middle Way that leads to Wisdom and Self-Determination. The Key is Self-Control, and that no matter what you encounter, whatever manner of Energy-Form, whether felicitous or negative, it is “on you” what you do with that. You are a Self-Conscious being and you must choose. The analogy that I use to illustrate this truth in my personal readings runs a little like this: Life is like going through a series of doorways, and there is always someone passing through the door ahead of you, and someone following along behind. Now, if that person going through before you happens to slam that next door in your face…well, you should know that is precisely then and there that you face another seemingly small but actually very profound karmic test. You are endowed with self-awareness, you have a choice. The energy of that door slamming is indeed negative, it carries a negative valence or charge. But you, you have a choice. If you, as you go through that door, remain less aware or self-conscious, if you take the “easy path” and do nothing to change that energy-experience, and merely let the door slam in the face of the next soul who comes after you…then that energy-form, which may have been passed down for who knows how long will continue to be experienced as a negative force yet again, and perhaps for quite some time, again and again and again. The world will remain the same, or it like you might stumble backwards…but. But, if you instead have the Presence of Mind, if you follow the gentle whispers from your Higher Self, if you engage the self-awareness/other-awareness that you are here for, then you will choose to hold that door open…and the World will smile. For you took an Energy-Form that had been the bearer and pain for perhaps countless years, you stood at the Crossing Point between the darkness and the Light and you chose to do what is Good, you chose to do what is Right…you Chose Love. And you and your World moved that much closer to the Light. For this is how you and your world are redeemed, healed and brought closer to the One. Although great efforts and grand gestures will certainly play a major role too upon the Path of Love, it is in these precious moments, in the littlest of gestures, it is in and by these small kindnesses and considerations that your Life-Consciousness-Spirit will find and forge the Pathway of Light and Love. You are here to be Transformers, that in and by your Tripartite Spiritual Core, you will by the Sacred Three: Be guided by your Higher Consciousness, act with Unconditional Love and redeem the world through your Centered Will. You are here to turn what is Negative into something Positive, transform what is Hurtful into Kindliness, and eliminate Fear by the one True Power that is Love. This is why you are here. Now Mars moves on, and until mid-September he will swim through the Waters of Scorpio…and you and your world will find that the Energy-Forms of your life and the world around you will become even more intensified, the issues of your life will be more deeply probed, and so your rewards of choosing well, well they will be even greater for you and your world too. But the risks, well they will be greater also. For the prize is great in Scorpio, but the shadow of fear is stronger here too…For now Mars takes you and your Desires into the Heart of the Mystery, into that Sacred Space where “the Magic” can happen, where two may become One, and where the illusion that is separation may be transcended. Mars takes you now into that Sacred Realm where your Rebirth is Forged and the proof of your Immortality will be found. The Desire of Mars in Scorpio, is the Desire of Union. It is here that you wish to join with one another in so many mysterious and wondrous ways, to come closer than ever to one another and experience some greater or lesser measure of Self-Transcendence. You long to slip beyond the Illusion of your Matter-Body, to set aside your earthly vehicle of Self-Limitation, and to move into some form of Physical-Emotional-Mental-Spiritual Space wherein you experience a Oneness with one another. But, as in every realm you move through there is the Promise and the Hope, and there is Karma too. You are your history, and your past actions and their effects will echo down to find you in your present circumstances. There is good here, there is much good that you have done and lessons you have learned. You have come a long, long way and mastered not a few lessons of life. But, there is less good too, those errors and missteps, those failures and defeats, and you must work with it all. For only you can lift these shadows you cast upon yourself, only you can choose to work with your Higher Self and build upon your lessons learned and so lift yourself out of the those shadows and into the Light. Your Desire now is for Union; your Fear is the fear of Rejection, your fear is the fear of loss and separation. You must be brave, you must become Fearless, for in truth you have nothing to fear. You must do your part, to extend your hand and space to the other and ask them to join you there. They can either agree, and your heart will leap and the shadows will fall. Or, they could say “no”, but then it was not to be, and you must move on and wait for another time. But, if you let the fear take hold of you, and by so doing it will hold you back from making the necessary space of vulnerability to meet one another in and through, well then what might have been cannot be…and that would be a cruel and true Tragedy. You must see that it is your Heart and your Love that make you strong. And that with this strength you will show it now by being what many might consider to be a sign of weakness. You must be vulnerable, you need to be open and accepting and create a more loving space to join together in, and it will be this, it is this that will be a true sign of your Spiritual Strength, for it flows from your heart, it is your true self, it is Unconditional Love. Only in this way will you form and forge your unions. Only in this way will you set one another free… To turn to the Light and to lift those shadows… Formed by your ancient fears of rejection, loss and death. Turn instead to one another, To the light streaming out and to one another… To know Love, To be Love, To be One.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 11:36:20 +0000

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