Marshall: “Your mission is to kill the Kaiju and nothing else, - TopicsExpress


Marshall: “Your mission is to kill the Kaiju and nothing else, try not to do anything reckless this time.” Gispy Danger: “I can’t promise that, if they’re a civilian in a way then I will protect them.” Marshall; “Follow my orders, Gispy Danger or you’ll be destroyed. We can’t afford that, do what I say understood?” Gipsy: “Yes sir…” A sigh left the lips of the USA Mark 3 Jeager, Gispy Danger. For the most part she looked half human and half robotic as she was created as a new generation of Jeagers to beat the Kaijus. She had long dark bluish-black hair that flow down her back and her eyes were a golden color. Her armor was a faded blue painted color with red and white lining along it and the number 34 on the right side of her shoulders. Her armor covered most of her body including her breasts where in the center of her chest was her Arc-9 reactor analog that was glowing which was her power core and her lower torso and abdomen was mostly exposed. Along her lower back was a long metal spine. Connecting to her lower parts of her body and a visor upon her head with the head armor resting on top. She was a nuclear powered Jeager like most of the original Mark Jeagers, but she was immune to EMP based attacks, which was special about her than most. She was one the oldest but reliable however she was reckless and unpredictable of the all the Jeagers and tends to disobey orders from her Marshall. Marshall: “Prepared to drop… in T-minus 5 in counting.” Gispy: “All systems are in stabled condition. I’m ready to head out.” Marshall: “Dropping in 5…4…3…2…1…” The moment the count down was over, Gispy was dropped into the ocean where she landed and her 08FS/Oceanic Cooling vents began to channel and her 98BD/Hyper-Torque Drive started to activate as she began to move in the ocean. She began to move into the water was rushing over as it was dark and the Kaiju was somewhere close by. She looked around being alert so far seeing nothing, which was good. However she could figure out where the Kaiju was. “Where are you hiding you-“ Before she could react, the Kaiju rose out the water with a roar enormous that echoed out into the open and threw a hard punch in her chest causing her to fly into the ocean. Gispy was rushed into the ocean before she shook it off getting back up as she was in combat mode in a stance of a street fighter. Gispy started to dash over to the Kaiju pulling her left arm back before tossing a right hook into the jaw of the Kaiju. The Kaiju roared after it was hit being thrown back into the water. Gispy went into the water grabbing the Kaiju by the crown of its head before throwing a series of continues punches at the beast. The Kaiju react by swing back hitting the Gispy dead in her chest causing her to fly back into the water. Gispy cough before getting back up quickly dashing over to the Kaiju with a battle cry pulling back before uppercutting the Kaiju right under its jaw. The Kaiju roared before swinging back and claws hitting Gispy a few times in her chest. Gispy grabbed the Kaiju by its arm with her right hand before charging up her I-19 Plasmacaster also known as the plasma cannon. The bluish-white glow was seen before she fires off into the Kaiju’s lower stomach a few times once she was close enough. The Kaiju wailed out and fell into the ocean. Gispy sighed before turning away. Gispy: “So far it looks like the bastard is down.” Marshall: “Good job now head back.” Gispy: “Understood.” Gispy said turning around as she started to walk away, little did she know the Kaiju wasn’t dead. The Kaiju rushed over and tackled Gispy from behind as they both crashed into the water. The Kaiju grabbed Gispy by the neck and began punching her repeatedly over and over again. Gispy moved her arm back as she powered up her cannon once more preparing to launch the plasma cannon. The Kaiju stopped her by grabbing her arm and with force pulling it apart . Gispy screamed in pain knowing she was in trouble under estimating the Kaiju like before. However she was going down that easily. Her systems were flashing by it being in critical damage from her left arm being dismantled by the Kaiju. The Kaiju violently continued its assault leaving Gispy in a pretty bad state. Gispy growled before activating one more weapon. Retracting out from her armor was a GD6 Chain Sword. She narrowed her eyes before pulling back thrust the blade right through the Kaiju moving in a vertical cut and slicing it in half. She gave the final blow by sending off on more plasma blast with a few shot and the Kaiju went down once in for all. Gispy: “This what happens when you decide to play rough with a woman.” Gispy exhaled panting as she was barely in pieces and stabled. She was close to the verge of collapsing but she endured it. The Marshall immediately sends out helicopters to retrieve her. As reckless as she was, she still managed to take down the best with a little beating coming to her. But she was fine with that as long as she protect a few dozens of lives from the creatures that evaded the land of the man that gave her reason to live.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 03:14:23 +0000

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