Martial Insight: This Insight is in response to the many - TopicsExpress


Martial Insight: This Insight is in response to the many discussions motivated by the Ferguson incident. Im not going to discuss my view on wether the shooting was justified, or racially motivated. Id rather discuss the lack of training, or sub-par training ailing most departments. You see, When I was in Japan, I learned, for one to enter any L.E.O. academy, one must hold a Sandan (3rd degree Black Belt) ranking, as a prerequisite. Which means, the candidate enters the academy with an already-established working knowledge of Defensive Tactics as a whole, and the concepts which enable one to be able to address any and all situations. Unlike here, in the United States. The confidence, proper, pragmatic training gives you, is indispensable in the Law Enforcement field. I, myself, have trained since I was 6, and as a result, have enjoyed an unblemished record of successfully-negotiated physical engagements, at work, as well as, on the streets. As a result of my lifetime of training, I dont fear over reacting while dealing with violent situations. Realistic, pragmatic training, gives one alternative options, and the mindset to be confident enough to explore those options. Realistic, pragmatic training also gives one the wherewithal to be able to read the situation at hand for what it TRULY is. Not to mention, if trained in the proper context, one will receive tools and techniques which will enable one to execute with effortless effort. Dont get me wrong! Im not saying the officer was or wasnt justified. Im simply saying that the current L.E.O. training programs need to be revamped. And, Officers need to take their training more serious, in order to extract the maximum benefit from the curriculum. I speak what I know, from experience as a certified Defensive Tactics Instructor Trainer. The certification process for D.T. Instructors needs to be tightened up as well. Because there are too many UNCERTIFIED CERTIFIED D.T. Instructors teaching, what are supposed to be, potentially life saving/preserving skills. Its a sad-state-of-affairs..... OSU.....
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 02:45:08 +0000

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