Martial Insight: This mornings insight is about knife defense, or - TopicsExpress


Martial Insight: This mornings insight is about knife defense, or more to the point, my experience defending against knife attacks. 1st, I must set the stage by helping you to understand the REALITIES of knife attacks. KNIFE ATTACKS ARE EXTREMELY DANGEROUS..... Contrary to popular belief, my success defending against knife wielding opponents was a direct result of my understanding of H.A.P.V.. I ask you this, If there was a knife laying on the ground with no one near it would you be worried about the knife? If someone is now holding the knife would you be worried? So, would it be fair-to-say, in actuality its not the knife, its the person holding the knife that concerns you. My knife defense experience isnt derived from a book, someone telling me This is how you defend against a knife attack, or unrealistic, uneducated, contrived lesson plans! My experience is from REAL LIFE! I was stabbed once. Someone TRIED to attack me with a knife (for what reason I have no idea). And Ive disarmed a few shank wielding inmates in jail who were hell-bent on hurting ANYONE in their way. So, as you can see, I do have experience dealing with that which I speak of. The lessons inherent in my Karate training were what allowed me to understand and recognize the mindset, actions, and skill set (or lack there of) of these knife wielding aggressors. Certain drills within Karate curriculum help one to achieve an understanding of Forward Energy which allows one to properly time and deal with any attack no matter the speed of the attack. P.S. Not many, who claim to be Masters can actually point out exactly what the particular drill I speak of is. Its a drill/action that is common throughout all Karate Dojo. Look deeper....... Getting stabbed (Among other things) was one of the defining moments in the development of my UA Curriculum. I asked the participants of the Open Sparring Group, Who here has ever had to use their art to defend their self in a knock-down-drag-out fight, where he/she wasnt sure he/she would die that day? Out of, maybe, 30 people only 3 raised their hand (Me included). And I informed them, That dynamic would change their interpretation of their particular art forever!!!!! My experiences have led me to the realization that Styles dont actually matter because the path up the Martial Mountain are SUPPOSED to lead to the same place. But, Sadly enough they dont! Remember, if you take the time to understand you will eventually achieve the ability to deal with any altercation with EFFORTLESS EFFORT! IF, The information is within context and sound! If it were not for my outlook concerning my art (MARTIAL SCIENCES), I would not have the proper information to have addressed this particular situation. Onegàishimasu....
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 12:12:46 +0000

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