Martial Musings: Discipline and Aesthetics on the Martial - TopicsExpress


Martial Musings: Discipline and Aesthetics on the Martial Path As I arrived at 6:45AM there was not a soul in the park besides the 5 regular students. It was still dark pn this frost ridden Saturday morning - barely 32 degrees F ( 0 degrees C). At 7 am sharp Sensei arrived and started the class with Geri to warm up and followed up with Shime Waza (strangulation). We ended the session at 9AM and the group headed for its monthly ritual - breakfast to Hobis a block from the dojo. We eat, talk, laugh and then said our good byes. As we finished and were leaving one student walked to me and said It was really cold Sensei, I was not sure everyone will show up. You all have the discipline. Everyone knows the rules, and not showing up 3 classes in a row without me knowing is grounds for expulsion from the dojo. You knew that right? The new-ish student was somewhat stunned. He nodded, perhaps the concept sinking in for the first time. His face revealed both a shock and awe of sorts. To soften and explain further, I continued Discipline is key to building any ability in life. Showing up when you feel like is easy, but showing up when its not convenient is what makes the difference. Its a cold day, one would rather be in a warm, comfortably in bed with your partners, but here you are. This is what conscious sacrifice is about - this is the stuff that enables true ability. Yes sensei, I understand its ALL about DISCIPLINE. he said emphasizing the the words all and Discipline. Smiling a little I asked him Is it only about Discipline? What about beauty, aesthetics? Sensing a trap, he pondered a little and said I know you mention beauty all the time. And I also hear both Sensei and you say the art is ugly. That confuses me. Its ugly pertains the effect of the techniques. When executed right, it does leave the opponent/s broken - physically, mentally and emotionally. No doubt about that. Never a pretty sight. I waited for it to sink in, and as his eyes refocused with anticipation and then there is beauty- have you noticed the simple understated elegance of the the techniques? Its just ...... beautiful. The Samurai were ruthless in war. Yet at home they donned the best silk kimonos with exquisite prints. They took part in the elaborate chanoyu (茶の湯) - the more formal ceremonies - chaji sometimes lasts hours. The focus here again is on the mindful immersion in the simple beauty of what is. The same thing goes with their gardening. Its about an aesthetic perspective of life- not understanding this leads to a rather one sided development IMO. Can you say more on this Sensei? he inquired. To understand Japanese arts unless one must learn about their Aesthetics. Begin with two fundamentals - one is Mujo (impermanence - coming from the Zen traditions) and the other is Do/Dao (ways of living - Daoist/Confucian self cultivation). On this they a plethora of elegant concepts, that can by themselves be lifelong quests. You will hear of in no particular order, concepts such as 1. Kanso (elimination of clutter, keeping things simple, natural) 2. Enso Fukinsei (Assmmetry or imperfection) 3.Shibumi (Understated beauty or articulate brevity) 4. Shizen (Naturalness - the absence of artificiality) 5. Yugen ( Point but not reveal, profound grace) 6. Datsuzoku ( breaking free from habit, conscious action) 7. Seijaku (solitude, tranquility) 8. Wabi Sabi (imperfect, incomplete, always becoming). Study the work of Prof. Patrick Lennox Tierney - it provides a westerner a good intro into the Japanese aesthetic. Or look into Stanford Universitys website of Japanese Aesthetic. Even better if you can see a Master Japanese Gardner at work over time. You will notice they are always saying - (the garden) it is still becoming, becoming simpler. The quick dive into aesthetics threw a curve ball into the conversation. The Japanese terms/concepts did not help either. Seeing this, I guided the conversation So what do you think Discipline and Beauty/Aesthetics do in our training? Sensei, we have agreed that discipline builds skills. And beauty ... he hesitated makes things more beautiful in an otherwise ugly world? I laughed hard That too. But let me offer you this perspective - Discipline will build ability/hone the tools, and beauty will inspire you- to greater heights, to greater self revelation. Ability without the notion of service to something greater that self is self destructive. Thats why I always say that Beauty is the GPS of/to the Soul. He looked at me, as though a revelation was coming. After a long half a minute, as the tension for a close grew I said Hone your tools, your body, and seek the Aesthetic perspective. But I leave you with a question - towards what end? He nodded and said yes Sensei, towards what end? There has to be goal for it, what is it? Now is that not a wonderful question - struggle with that for a bit, purposefully return to the inquiry in a disciplined fashion and see the beauty of the pursuit. I smiled slyly, as I left him with the hope it becomes a beautiful struggle towards deep understanding. It was almost 10:30 am and a long drive to the Central Valley awaited me. There was to be some family time, R&R before it would be my turn to show up and be the student the next day. Sunday 8 am in below freezing weather - I was out learning a different expression, joyfully pursuing my never realizable beautiful dream! May you take disciplined action towards your own beautiful distant dreams this new year! Mahipal Lunia MountainViewAiki TheRenaissancePath RadicalChangeGroup
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 00:45:01 +0000

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