Martial arts the art of fighting with out fighting: ok i - TopicsExpress


Martial arts the art of fighting with out fighting: ok i understand all the pacifist shout about no violence and in an ideal world i agree but show me an ideal world and i will drop my pants at the next tournament sorry people today’s society is not going to buy into the old adage of turn the other cheek, since once you do they will just take it further and take you for everything you have including your life. Not to say you should not try but the best way to stop all the shit people will throw at you and t keep yourself and your family safe is to learn to fight “then people leave you alone because you are more trouble than your worth” . I have not met a bully yet that picks a fight with a strong opponent since the is a chance they will get beat and lose all there street cred and kudos, in fact most bullies build there reputation on abusing and taken advantage of the weak, since the is very little come back. I remember a man of god, a preacher, who lived in my street you could not ask for nicer man anyway one day some scum bags knocked on his door asking to talk to him since they had a problem so been a nice guy he invited them in to talk they told him there problems and he gave advice then they left but came back the next day this time asking for money he gave them a little from that point on they would keep returning and blatantly taken stuff from his home and selling it the preacher name was Ewan my mother was part of his church ,i never did become part of his flock but we would talk about religion during one of these conversations he explained his problem to me , i felt sick on hearing his story because he only wanted good for the community .So right there and then i decided to resolve his problem i had a POW wow with some of my crew and the game was a foot to trap these rats a “ re educate them “, so one of my crew sat in his car until they arrived now since we where all from the same area once he seeing there face we could put an address to them that we did and one night we attended there abode and re educated them ,next day they went around to the preachers home and explained how sorry they where and that in would never happen again , in the coming weeks they replaced all there ill gotten gains and gave them to preacher Ewan. Unfortunately in life people may have the intention of wanting to be to par taken in a non violent but the problem is the are lots of rat bag who will just see them as victims and take advantage of there good nature ,its wrong but its life , people seem to think “ It wont happen to me” well i hope your in that 5 % that it does not happen to , but unfortunately that’s very unlikely , take the preacher for instance the people he had around him where all good people and life was good yet the problem came to him “in his home” so don’t think by not going down that street of not going to that party your safe since Wolfs go looking for sheep out of there own hunting ground and in to the sheep’s environment am not trying to scare any one but to make your aware that life can just turn around and bite you unless your are prepared. Now i have parents walk in to my Dojo and more and more they are there because of bullying, so its my job to instil in this broke child the will to fight back and i always do since i talk to them from a real world respective at first parents are a bit taken a back by my teaching methods then they start to see there child grow stronger and more confident then the parents understand you cant hide your child from the real world because they face it each day at school. I had a unique way of dealing with any child that wanted to try and bully my kid i would go around to the home of the offender an speak to the father about the problem, if i had to make a return visit he was told if you cant control your child then am going to call around each day and do to you what you child does to my child but a lot worse funny enough it always had the desired effect “ walk quietly and carry a big stick” is a saying that comes to mind. ALFIE LEWIS
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 09:07:23 +0000

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