Martin Luther Clearly Saw The Issue Of Free Will As The Primary - TopicsExpress


Martin Luther Clearly Saw The Issue Of Free Will As The Primary Cause Of His Separation From Rome sermonaudio/new_details3.asp?ID=22523. Love this (Puritan Hard Drive - ed.), it is mind blowing! - Chris Isom (FL, USA) The Bondage of the Will by Martin Luther and Other Reformers (Free MP3s, Books, Kindle, etc.) Sturmius says, that he saw a letter written by Luther to Wolfgang Capito, in which he affirmed, that scarce any of his writings pleased himself, except his (Small-ed.) Catechism, and his book De servo arbitrio (The Bondage of the Will-ed.), or Free-will a Slave - From The Life of Martin Luther in Luthers Commentary on... Galatians, p. lxxvi. on the Puritan Hard Drive ... and I will go as far as Martin Luther, in that strong assertion of his, where he says, If any man doth ascribe of salvation, even the very least, to the free will of man, he knoweth nothing of grace, and he hath not learnt Jesus Christ aright. It may seem a harsh sentiment; but he who in his soul believes that man does of his own free will turn to God, cannot have been taught of God, for that is one of the first principles taught us when God begins with us, that we have neither will nor power, but that He gives both; that He is Alpha and Omega in the salvation of men. - Charles Spurgeon, Free Will A Slave (1855 Sermmon) — referring to Martin Luthers book The Bondage of the Will, as cited in Arminianism: The Road to Rome! free at swrb/newslett/actualNLs/RHNarmin.htm. If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except precisely that point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, then I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Him. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved; and to be steady on all the battlefront besides is mere flight and disgrace if he flinches at that point. - Martin Luther puritandownloads/martin-luther-and-lutheranism/ Gradual Reformation Intolerable: Luther & Calvin On Reforming the Church Against False Teaching and False Worship By Dr. Matthew McMahon, Greg Price, Dr. Steven Dilday, Brian Schwertley & Others (Free) Martin Luther and Lutheranism - Still Waters Revival Books I am a logician; and Justus Jonas is an orator; but Luther is good at everything: the wonder of mankind; for whatever he says, or writes, it penetrates the heart, and makes a lasting impression. - Melancthon from Excerpts from The Life of Luther, in Luthers Commentary on... Galatians, p. lxx. puritandownloads/martin-luther-and-lutheranism/ FREE WILL VS. THE BIBLE (What Every Arminian & Pelagian Needs To Know From Scripture) by Dr. Reg Barrow sermonaudio/new_details3.asp?ID=19101 I was in Zambia showing the Puritan Hard Drive to Conrad Mbewe (the Spurgeon of Africa) and he absolutely fell in love with it. I simply had to leave it there. - Dr. Voddie Baucham DR. VODDIE BAUCHAM REVIEWS THE PURITAN HARD DRIVE (FULL REVIEW) puritandownloads/dr-voddie-baucham-jr-on-the-puritan-hard-drive/ I am afraid that the schools will prove the very gates of hell, unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures and engraving them in the heart of the youth. - Martin Luther puritandownloads/martin-luther-and-lutheranism/ Nothing is more devilishly mischievous he says than an unreformed university. - Martin Luther puritandownloads/martin-luther-and-lutheranism/ Making Shipwreck of the Faith: Evangelicals and Roman Catholics Together by Kevin Reed (FREE BOOK) sermonaudio/new_details3.asp?ID=18865 First of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Solved, Dr. Steven Dildays Commentary On Revelation sermonaudio/new_details3.asp?ID=78141 SCOTT BROWNS AMAZING 54 SECOND VIDEO REVIEW OF THE PURITAN HARD DRIVE (Family Integrated Churches) sermonaudio/new_details3.asp?ID=42909 The invention of the printing press played a key role in mobilising the Reformation. Without printing, it is questionable whether there would have even been a Protestant Reformation. A century earlier, Wycliffe and Huss had inspired dedicated movements for Bible study and Reform. But the absence of adequate printing technology severely limited the distribution of their writings. As a result, their ideas did not spread as rapidly or as far as they could have done. Martin Luther recognised the power of printing to mobilise grass roots support for Reformation. Luther wrote prolifically – more than 400 titles, including commentaries, sermons and pamphlets that attacked Catholic superstitions and abuses and which promoted Biblical doctrines. In the first three critical years after Luther posted his 95 Theses in Wittenberg, from 1517 to 1520, Luther published 30 pamphlets and flooded Germany with 400,000 copies. By 1523, half of all the printed works in Germany were Luther’s works. Luther understood that books and pamphlets speak long after the preacher has left the pulpit. Luther described printing as: God’s highest and extremist act of grace, whereby the business of the Gospel is driven forward... Luther showed the way and other Reformers continued his work of using print technology to mass-produce Scriptures and Reformation publications. By God’s grace, the Printing Press provided the spiritual weaponry needed to make the Reformation succeed. - Dr. Peter Hammond, The Power Of Printing. puritandownloads/martin-luther-and-lutheranism/ ARMINIAN/JESUIT PERSECUTION OF CALVINISTS, COVENANTERS & PURITANS: ARMINIANISM/POPES VS. CALVINISM sermonaudio/new_details3.asp?ID=13362 PURITAN HARD DRIVE VIDEO #2 - A TECHNOLOGICAL REVOLUTION IN CHRISTIAN (PURITAN & REFORMED) STUDIES! sermonaudio/new_details3.asp?ID=23029 PERFECTIONISM A PERSISTENT HERESY IN PELAGIANISM, ARMINIANISM, WESLEY, ROMANISM by DR. STEVEN DILDAY sermonaudio/new_details3.asp?ID=45772 Any lover of Puritan literature will find a treasure trove in the Puritan Hard Drive. - Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary JOHN WESLEY Wrote I do not love God. I never did. Therefore I never believed, JOHN WESLEY Attacking Calvinism, JOHN WESLEYS Heresies, Etc. puritandownloads/john-wesley-wrote-i-do-not-love-god-i-never-did-therefore-i-never-believed-john-wesley-attacking-calvinism-john-wesleys-heresies-etc/ Wow! The Puritan Hard Drive is fantastic! What a gift to Christs church! I love my Puritan Hard Drive! - D.M. (CA, USA) Eschatology of Victory in the New Testament (Eschatology of Victory Series 2 of 14) by Francis Nigel Lee (Free MP3s) sermonaudio/sermoninfo.asp?sid=860222213 Eschatology of Victory in the Apostolic Fathers (Eschatology of Victory Series 3 of 14) by Francis Nigel Lee (Free MP3s) sermonaudio/sermoninfo.asp?sid=71805164137 For anyone interested in recovering our Presbyterian and Reformed past, the Puritan Hard Drive a must. - Dr. Steven Dilday John Knox, Son of Reformation Thunder (Against the World) By Jerry Johnson (Free MP3 and Video) Worlds Largest Collection of Free Reformation Resources By John Knox swrb/newslett/freebook/jknox.htm. The 1260 Days Of Revelation (The Year Day Theory In Classic Protestant Eschatological Thought And Scripture) by W.J. Mencarow (Free MP3) puritandownloads/the-1260-days-of-revelation-the-year-day-theory-in-classic-protestant-eschatological-thought-and-scripture-by-w-j-mencarow-free-mp3/ Dr. Matthew McMahon, A Puritans Mind, On Still Waters Revival Books Puritan Hard Drive. sermonaudio/new_details3.asp?ID=29341 The Puritan Hard Drive is truly a technological marvel! Just wonderful. It is an invaluable resource. - J. Fernandez, Film Producer, IndoctriNation: Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America (which won Best Documentary at the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival) Corruption of Worship and the Rise of Antichrist In History Prophesied In Revelation by Dr. Steven Dilday sermonaudio/new_details3.asp?ID=78338 The Puritan Hard Drive is an astonishing piece of work. - Pastor David Silversides (Loughbrickland Reformed Presbyterian Church, Northern Ireland), Author, etc. HYMNS, THE REFORMATION, THE WESTMINSTER ASSEMBLY & EXCLUSIVE PSALMODY (PURITAN WORSHIP & FREE MP3s) sermonaudio/new_details3.asp?ID=15407 The Puritan Hard Drive is... a huge time-saver for my own learning, preaching, teaching and counseling.- Kevin Guillory (Former Roman Catholic Priest, Now A Protestant Pastor), A.W. Pink REFUTES DISPENSATIONALISM (1/2) FREE MP3s & CLASSIC REFORMATION & PURITAN ESCHATOLOGY sermonaudio/new_details3.asp?ID=10852 I often thought, why would I want to purchase a (Puritan) hard drive when so much of the information (probably) contained on it could be easily found with a free search on the Internet? Was I ever wrong! - Jerry Johnson (President, Nicene Council) IF YOU NEGLECT DAILY FAMILY WORSHIP YOUR ELDERS SHOULD SUSPEND AND DEBAR YOU FROM THE LORDS SUPPER sermonaudio/new_details3.asp?ID=23104 PURITAN HARD DRIVE REVIEWS: Paul Washer, Dr. Joel Beeke, Dr. Voddie Voddie Baucham, Greg Price, Dr. Matthew McMahon, et al. sermonaudio/new_details3.asp?ID=30705 Trying the Spirits To Avoid Antichrist, His False Doctrine (Arminianism, Sacramentalism, Etc.), His False Worship (the Mass, Man-Made Hymns, Musical Instruments, Etc.), His Holy Days (Chirst-Mass, MichaelMass, Easter, Etc.) and Much More by Jim Dodson et al. Phenomenal Message About Practical Atheism and How Christians and Unbelievers Practice This Sin As Individuals, Families, Churches and States, and How Practical Atheism Leads To the Breakdown Of All Levels Of Society by Jim Dodson (Free MP3) TOP 10 PURITAN AND REFORMED BLOGS puritandownloads/top-10-puritan-and-reformed-blogs/ FREE SWRB iPhone & iPad App (access thosands free Reformed MP3s, Videos and PDFs!) FREE SWRB ANDROID APP (access thosands free Reformed MP3s, Videos and PDFs!) Reformed Confessions, Heresy, Schism & the Faithful Remnant (The Place Of Biblical Confessions In Defending And Promoting Truth) by Greg Price Westminster Larger (Q151) Catechism, Aggravations That Make Some Sins More Heinous by Jim Dodson (Free Reformed MP3) puritandownloads/westminster-larger-q151-catechism-aggravations-that-make-some-sins-more-heinous-by-jim-dodson-free-reformed-mp3/ Best Free Reformed Audio Commentaries On Revelation and Eschatology By Contemporary Reformed Ministers (Free MP3s, PDFs, Videos, Etc.) puritandownloads/best-free-reformed-audio-commentaries-on-revelation-and-eschatology-by-contemporary-reformed-ministers-dr-steven-dilday-w-j-mencarow-and-greg-price-free-mp3s-pdfs-videos-etc/ All human inventions which are set up to corrupt the simple purity of the Word of God, and to undo the worship which he demands and approves, are true sacrileges, in which the Christian man cannot participate without blaspheming God, and trampling his honour underfoot. - John Calvin Power is Gods hand or arm, omniscience is Gods eye, mercy is Gods delight, eternity is Gods duration, but holiness is Gods beauty! - Stephen Charnock (on the Puritan Hard Drive Hymns of human composition are used so commonly now in public worship by Presbyterian churches that it is difficult to believe that the practice is not a hundred years old, and that in some of the churches it is of very recent date. On the supposition that it is good and dutiful and wise to sing such hymns in worship, it is equally difficult to account for the neglect of the churches at the time of the Reformation, and for generations afterwards. What could have so blinded the reformers as to make them reject hymns and sing the Psalms alone? How could the Westminster Divines, in framing their Confession of Faith and Directory for Worship, have been so unanimous in the blunder that the service of praise is to consist of the singing of Psalms? And apart from the aspect of duty, how could the Presbyterian churches, for about a hundred and fifty or two hundred years after the Westminster Assembly, have been so insensible to the power of hymns as an attractive addition to their public services? We cannot by any means understand how it was that, if it was dutiful to use hymns in worship, the reformers did not discover the Scriptural warrant for the duty, especially as hymns had been used for centuries by the Church of Rome. Nor can we understand how they rejected the hymns and used the Psalms alone, unless on the supposition that they believed the use of hymns to be part of the will-worship of Rome. If they were wrong on this point, then Rome and our modern Presbyterian churches are right. In that case, the Puritans and Covenanters were fanatics, and Romanists were truly enlightened! And most of our Presbyterian churches of the present day were fanatical too, and did not become truly enlightened and liberal till they got back to the Romish practice! - James Dick, Hymns and Hymn Books (1883), on the Puritan Hard Drive FREE MP3: On Shunning the Unlawful Rites of the Ungodly by John Calvin Herein Calvin maintains the sinfulness of outward conformity to false worship. Dealing with a major problem of his day, Calvin shows that false worship should never be tolerated or participated in (even by your bodily presence), no matter what the cost -- whether it be persecution, exile, or death. _______ >>> CALVIN ON SEPARATION FROM FALSE WORSHIP (i.e. worship not based on the second commandment or what is now called the regulative principle of worship) AND WORSHIPPING PRIVATELY (IN YOUR HOME) Some one will therefore ask me what counsel I would like to give to a believer who thus dwells in some Egypt or Babylon where he may not worship God purely, but is forced by the common practice to accommodate himself to bad things. The first advice would be to leave [i.e. relocate--GB] if he could. . . . If someone has no way to depart, I would counsel him to consider whether it would be possible for him to abstain from all idolatry in order to preserve himself pure and spotless toward God in both body and soul. Then let him worship God in private (at home--ed.), praying him to restore his poor church to its right estate. - John Calvin, Come Out From Among Them, The Anti-Nicodemite Writings of John Calvin, Protestant Heritage Press, A Short Teatise, pp. 93-94, emphases added. Come Out From Among Them is also on the new LIBRARY OF PRESBYTERIAN HERITAGE PUBLICATIONS and PROTESTANT HERITAGE PRESS ALL ON ONE CD, including some of Calvins never before translated anti-Nicodemite writings in Come Out From Among Them, The Anti-Nicodemite Writings of John Calvin and other important and previously unreleased titles -- as compiled and/or written by Kevin Reed swrb/catalog/r.htm The John Calvin quote (above) cited in Appendix G in The Covenanted Reformation Defended by Greg Barrow swrb/newslett/actualNLs/append_g.htm ________
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 19:00:01 +0000

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