Martyrs in the Sky June 11, 2012 I had a dream the - TopicsExpress


Martyrs in the Sky June 11, 2012 I had a dream the other night about a place we know called heaven I met a young man called Kevin, Kevin Barry was his name He said he was pleased to meet me and I asked him why he’s here He told me at the age of eighteen years he died loving Ireland dear He said there’s other like him here, let’s walk around and see He told me the reason he was killed was wanting to be free I met a guy called Bobby his second name was Sands He had other martyr’s with him, they were called The Ten I asked him where he came from. Ireland was the reply I wanted freedom for my country, that’s why we had to die I met a guy called James, he was murdered in1916 He fought for Irish Freedom and was sentenced to die at dawn I met eight boys from Loughall and fourteen martyrs from Derry Carol Anne Kelly said hello she was too young to die She was killed by a plastic bullet in the year of eighty-one Aiden said hello to me, McAnespy was his name He died at the hands of a British gun on his way to a Gaelic game Tom Williams said I wish you well, Ireland will be free Another Irish martyr here there’s lots of them to see Wolfetone was the hero’s name he was with the Gibraltar three Married with Danny and Sean they said hello to me There’s so many Irish martyrs here, they died for Irish freedom I said goodbye with a little cry and went on my way in peace I prayed that night for those martyrs, why did they have to die? My cause has been strengthened by my visit to the martyr’s in the sky Gerrard McGeachy
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 18:32:24 +0000

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