Marvel could do an Alpha Flight movie.. how do you establish it? - TopicsExpress


Marvel could do an Alpha Flight movie.. how do you establish it? Spinning out of Avengers 3, The United Nations decides that the Avengers, operating as an independent unit doesnt work for the long term stability of the international community. They decide that its time to create their own team answerable to the U.N.Security council. Because the U.S. is still trying to rebuild S.H.I.E.L.D.s reputation, Canadas Department of Defense assigns the new team to the formerly classified Department H, run by MacDonald Hudson The Canadian Tony Stark and his partner Roger Bochs. Hudson and Bochs have been developing the B.O.X (Biomechanical Offensive Unit #10) since the Americans acquired the War Machine armor in Iron Man 2. Hudson decides hes going match the Avengers, power by power, recruiting miracles that Dept.H had previously keeping tabs on since the 1970s. Hudson also decides to approach Walter Langowski, a former colleague of Bruce Banners to brainstorm on possible methods to take down the Hulk. Walter has been studying the conditions that created The Hulk and has become a scholar on the subject of gamma exsposure. Hudson and Langowski approach Jeanne Marie Beaubier (Aurora) first and she turns them down flat, horrified by their request. She walks off in the distance and once shes out of eye shot, she stumbles, trembling. She reaches up and removes her glasses . Cut back to Langowski, who was immediately smitten. As they begin to leave, Jeanne Marie flies in front of them, saying that she thought it over and has decided to join them and says call me Aurora. Meanwhile, Hydra, which is also tracking other Miracles, notices what Mac is doing. They cant have another Avengers level team running around and decide to take Hudson out. They send hitters after him and Walter when theyre rescued by..Puck. Apparently, Puck had been assigned to them as a shadow. Walter, who along with being a genius is kind of a jackass. he cracks wise and Puck puts him down on his ass. this ls all I have so far.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 22:05:56 +0000

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