Mary Makes 2015 Her Year! I saw a lovely patient yesterday – - TopicsExpress


Mary Makes 2015 Her Year! I saw a lovely patient yesterday – let’s call her Mary, although that’s not her real name. I have been treating Mary’s spider veins with sclerotherapy over the last month, and yesterday she had a question for me. “What should I do for the lines and wrinkles on my face” she said. It was a very good question. We had never discussed cosmetic treatments for the face together, and she had never had any treatments done. I explained to her that when anyone looks at a stranger’s face, we subconsciously guestimate that person’s age. We can’t help it, and we do it in a millisecond. Our mind’s computer works this out based on three main criteria – shape and volume of the face, lines and wrinkles, and tone and texture. Fortunately these are the exact three things that we can improve with cosmetic medicine. Now some people only need one of these things treated, some need two, and some need a combination of a bit of all three. Now Mary’s main issue was not lines and wrinkles, it was her complexion. She actually had maintained good volume in her face and had very few lines and wrinkles. I explained to her that the best treatment for her would actually be an IPL photofacial to reduce the pigmentation and sun damage, rather than any anti-wrinkle injections. Mary is going to come back in the New Year to have her IPL treatment, and then once we have “cleaned the canvass” we will look at maybe doing a little injectable treatment to put the icing on the cake. Mary has never done anything like this before, and is looking forward to making 2015 the year that she starts to do a little something for herself. I think that’s a great idea. Dr Christopher Leat
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 23:00:00 +0000

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