Mary, Mother of Jesus could be found in Luke 1:38 and the rest of - TopicsExpress


Mary, Mother of Jesus could be found in Luke 1:38 and the rest of the Chapters of Luke.and also in the gospel of Mark. Mary received the greatest honor God can pay: He chose her to mother his son. Probably a teenager at the time, Mary had done nothing to deserve such favor. Yet her simple response spoke deeply of her humble faith. “I am the Lord’s servant… May it happen to me as you have said” (Luke 1:38). Without hesitation, Mary said yes to God’s plan to take over her life. Saying yes to God usually involves sacrifice, it did for Mary, who endured the doubts of her fiancé and the scorn of neighbors who saw her pregnant before marriage. Saying yes meant bearing the pain of childbirth. It meant fleeing to far-off Egypt to protect her baby from Herod’s soldiers. It meant raising a child she did not completely understand. (Once during his ministry she came to take charge of Jesus, thinking him out of his mind (Mark 3:21). Most of all, it meant watching her son die on the cross. Our last glimpse of Mary, though shows her among the disciples after the resurrection, praying for the Holy Spirit Jesus had promised (Acts 1:14). Mary had begun her relationship with Jesus by holding his tiny form in her arms, in the end she realized she must let Jesus hold her. He was not only her child, he was her Lord. To that too, Mary said yes. It’s clearly stated that Jesus is Mary’s Lord. When the angel spoke to Mary, he brought good news to Mary, telling her that she’s most blessed among women to get pregnant and give birth to a son and He will be named Jesus. The Lord God will make Him great and be a King of the descendants of David and Jacob. The Angel did not pray to Mary but to bring good news. Mary knows that the child she will be conceiving will be her Lord. In Mary’s Song of Praise, Mary said, “My heart praises the Lord; my soul is glad because of God my Savior. Luke 1:47 For He has remembered me, his lowly servant! There’s no mention in the Bible (Catholic or Protestant) that Mary went into heaven after her death. If the bases of her going into heaven was the existence of Elijah and Moses speaking to Jesus at the time of the Transfiguration in the highest mountain. Elijah and Moses was in the highest mountain speaking to Jesus but not in heaven. It was the Father in heaven who appeared and covered them with its shadow, and a voice came from the cloud, “This is my own dear Son-listen to him!” From the beginning of the Bible up to the end Jesus never calls Mary, “Mother”. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are the Alpha and Omega, (No beginning and no end). Before Mary was born, the Holy Trinity has already created heaven and earth. In Mark 3:31-35 Jesus mother and brothers arrived. They stood outside the house and sent in a message, asking for him. A crowd was sitting around Jesus, and they to him, “Look, your mother and your brothers and sisters are outside, and they want you.” Jesus answered, “Who is my mother: Who are my brothers? He looked at the people sitting around him and said. “Look! Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does what God wants is my brother, my sister, my mother.” The Boy Jesus in the Temple Luke 2:41-51. Every year the parents of Jesus went to Jerusalem for the Passover Festival. When Jesus was twelve years old, they went to the festival as usual. When the festival was over, they started back home, but the boy Jesus stayed in Jerusalem. His parents did not know this: they thought that he was with the group, so they traveled a whole day and then started looking for him among their relatives and friends. They did not find him. So they went back to Jerusalem looking for him. On the third day they found him in the Temple, sitting with the Jewish teachers, listening to them and asking questions. All who heard him were amazed at his intelligent answers. His parents were astonished when they saw him, and his mother said to him, ”Son, why have you done this to us? Your father and I have been terribly worried trying to find you.” He answered them, “Why did you have to look for me? Didn’t you know that I had to be in my Father’s house?” Jesus Warns against the Teachers of the Law: Luke 20:45-47. As all the people listened to him, Jesus said to his disciples, “Be on your guard against the teachers of the Law, who like to walk around in their long robes and love to be greeted with respect in the marketplace; who choose the reserved seats in the synagogues and the best places at feasts; who take advantage of widows and rob them of their homes, and then make a show of saying long prayers! Their punishment will be all the worse!”
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 05:19:23 +0000

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