Mary will be having her next chemo treatment on Wednesday. The - TopicsExpress


Mary will be having her next chemo treatment on Wednesday. The last few weeks have been difficult. Over Christmas, Mary had a lot of difficulty keeping food down and went for several days only able to keep water down. We were unsure if it was a bug, or something related to chemo. She spent Christmas eve receiving fluids and anti-naseau meds in a IV. It was discovered that her potassium levels were also down which could be causing the nausea, and after receiving another IV and some oral medication, she started to see some improvement. Today, she saw a pulmunologist and was told that she has a hiatal hernia. This is most likely the reason for coughing up her food at meal time, so she was given medication for that and will hopefully be feeling better soon. Her last chest x-ray revealed that there could possibly be some fluid in her right lung, so please be praying for that to improve. The blood clots in her legs have gotten better, and the swelling and pain are pretty much gone. Our other prayer requests are for her to be able to keep food down and regain/maintain her weight, for the ringing in her ears to stop and for her chemo treatment on Wednesday to go smoothly and that she would have no side effects. All of that aside, we did have a very blessed Christmas and hope that all of you did, too. Mary felt well enough last week to go wedding dress shopping with Rebekah, and celebrated a late Christmas with Terry and all of their kids and grands. Thank you all for your concern, love and prayers. We will be posting a sign-up tomorrow if you would like to be a part of a prayer chain for Mary during this next treatment.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 20:33:21 +0000

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