Mass Reading & Meditation for September 21, 2013 Catholic - TopicsExpress


Mass Reading & Meditation for September 21, 2013 Catholic Meditations Meditation: Matthew 9:9-13 Saint Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist Follow me. (Matthew 9:9) There you were, Matthew, sitting at your customs post, just as you did every other day of the week. But how your life changed that day! Jesus, the rabbi you had heard so much about, passed by—and singled you out! He wanted you, a tax collector and a “sinner,” to follow him. How your heart must have leapt as you looked into that kind and compassionate face. It was an invitation you could not turn down. You did not waste any time, but got up and invited him into your home. Pray for us, Matthew, to have the grace to respond to Jesus’ invitation to follow him as you did. You invited all your friends to your home for a dinner. They were public sinners like you, the only people who would associate with you. You wanted them to know how your life had changed and how theirs could too: Jesus loved them, and all their sins—no matter how big—could be forgiven. Pray for us, Matthew, that we may be eager to tell our friends and family about Jesus and the change he has brought about in our lives. What an honor it was for you to be called by Jesus to be one of the Twelve. Were you surprised that he would invite you into his inner circle? Surely you must have felt unworthy. And yet you had been healed by this great Physician, so you happily left the past behind you and took up your new calling. Pray for us, Matthew, that we too will be quick to seek God’s healing love. You proclaimed the good news far and wide—not only in your lifetime but in the words you left for us in the Gospel that bears your name. We thank you for this life-giving message that shows how Jesus is the fulfillment of all God’s promises, the fulfillment of all our dreams. Pray for us, Matthew, that we will embrace all of these promises and let them change our lives. “Jesus, like Matthew, I too need your mercy. Heal me of my sin. Through your word, shine your light through me so that with my whole being I will proclaim the good news of your mercy and love.” Ephesians 4:1-7, 11-13; Psalm 19:2-5
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 14:44:10 +0000

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